Roadtrip |sallyxwilbur|

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Inspired by Roadtrip :)

Tw/Cw: pre trans c!fundy (he's a baby in this), manipulative/abusive relationship

Wilbur sighed as he sat on the couch. He had just dropped off his 4 year old at a friends house for a sleepover and now he was stuck at home doing nothing. It was at times like these that made him think. If he hadn't distanced himself from his family and friends when he met her maybe he would be hanging out with Schlatt or sparring with Techno, maybe there would even be a family game night right now.

Ah Sally. Wilbur hadn't been thinking about her recently and he felt like he was finally moving on. The brunet needed a distraction, anything to get his mind off the past. No matter what he did everything always linked back to sally.

Driving tended to clear his head. Wilbur hadn't know he was walking until he was out the front door and headed to his car. The brunet sighed and started his car before pulling out of the dark driveway. He had no destination in mind, he just wanted to get away from all the memories.

All the roads felt familiar. The traffic lights and houses he passed, everything he had seen before. Wilbur had driven past them every time to he could see her. He sighed as he waited for another red light.

Perhaps if Wilbur had recognized the red flags he wouldn't be in this situation. If he could have done things differently when he met her.


Wilbur should have known better.

After all the rumours he had heard about the group. It was clearly a bad decision to try and get in with the popular kids. It was an awful decision to ask Sally out.

Wilbur asked his friends if he should. They all told him to yolo it, and if he really liked her then Sally probably was a good person.

His family thought different. Techno said he shouldn't. He said Sally was very two faced and manipulative. Tommy told him that Sally would say no because Sally would "rather go out with a big man like me" in Tommy's words. Phil was weary of this, Wilbur never expressed interest in girls until now. The fact that Techno didn't seem to like her was worse. Yet he encouraged it, told Wilbur to go for it.

Sally was a "popular" teen however. She was in with the group that everyone knew about. Typical heartbreakers, cheerleaders and footballs players. Sometimes Wilbur believed they were all straight out of a coming of age movie.

"Hey! Wait up." Wilbur called to Sally after their shared math class.

The red headed girl stopped in her tracks and whispered something to her friends. They looked back at Wilbur, nodded to Sally then went ahead.

Wilbur pushed down his nerves and approached her. "I was just wondering if you would like to go get coffee after school today?" He asked.

"I don't drink coffee." Sally deadpanned.

Wilbur's hopes her crushed and his ego was slightly bruised. He nodded and was about to turn away when her voice stopped him.

"I do like tea though. Would tea be fine?" Sally smiled.

Wilbur couldn't stop a grin from appearing in his face. The brunet nodded and the two exchanged phone numbers before heading to class. Wilbur had been excited for the day to end, he was excited to go on a date with Sally.

Their date had gone perfectly. So well that they went went on a second. Third, sixths, and it was after the sevenths that they started officially dating. Officially to them. Sally didn't want anyone else to know, and perhaps that should have been the first red flag. Wilbur waved it off because what if she just wanted a good relationship before the outside would could pry? that had to be it.

Sally not letting him text anyone other than her. Wilbur pushed it aside again. This was his first real relationship, this must be normal. Plus, it meant Sally wanted to text him. Sure she got jealous even when Wilbur would hang out with Schlatt, Eret and Niki. Of course sometimes she would insult them to Wilbur's face. Still, Wilbur let it be because everyone was entitled to their opinion.

The two stayed together until they graduated. Sally moved away but they stayed strong with their long distance relationship. Maybe strong wasn't the right word, after all Sally made mistakes. She never cheated no no no, Sally loved him. She just ended up kissing other people and sometimes having sex with them while they were apart. Everything was fine! Wilbur forgave her and they moved past it.

Wilbur loved the drives he took to see her. Sally lived 20 hours away and he would drive all night tp see her. It was what Sally deserved. Especially since she didn't like driving, and Wilbur's family didn't like really like Sally.

Wilbur didn't understand why. Sally was amazing! She was kind, beautiful and she loved him. It was okay though, Sally didn't like them either. She said Phil was too strict, Tommy was annoying and too loud, and Techno was weird and introverted. Wilbur didn't like when she said things like this, but he never called her out for it in fear of her getting mad.

"I want you to stay away from them," Wilbur remembers Sally saying, "All of them. They're not good for you Wil, I'm the the only one you need. I make you happy don't I?"

Wilbur moved away to live with Sally in a cottage just outside of a city. It was peaceful (not it wasn't) and life was perfect to Wilbur (now that he looks back on it, life was anything but perfect).

Wilbur figured out a year later than Sally had anger issues. It almost made Wilbur happy. He wasn't always the cause of her rampages, it was something Sally couldn't control. Even if her punches hurt, or he had to buy new plates or cups, he always forgave Sally in the end.

Once Fundy was born, the baby was a reality check for Wilbur. Seeing what Sally did to him and said to him, what if she did the same to Fundy? Wilbur tried to gather the courage to break up with her for 11 months when in the end he didn't need to.

Sally packed up and left while he and Fundy were sleeping. She left and only left a note on the fridge.

Dear Wilbur,

I hate living here, I haven't been happy being with you so I'm leaving.

Sally was gone just like that. She left Wilbur to care for a child on his own. After that, Wilbur promised to never leave Fundy. The poor baby had already been left behind by Sally, so Wilbur wouldn't put his child in that pain ever again.

*flashback over*

"Why can't she ever leave my head?" Wilbur asked himself.

The light turned green and he made a U turn back to his house. If he drove more, Wilbur suspected he would end up breaking his promise to Fundy.

So he drove back to his small house. A new place, different than the one he lived in with Sally 3 years ago. This house was filled with good memories. Funy's first steps, Fundy's first words. All of the happy memories from the past 6 years all had Fundy in them. Before that, all his happy memories contained Tommy, Techno, Phil, Eret, Niki, and Schlatt. All the people he distanced himself from because Sally told him too.

Wilbur really hated past him. In a way though it was good. If he recognized Sally's abusive behaviour earlier then Fundy wouldn't be here.

There was always light in the dark.

DSMP/OSMP/MCYT One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora