U-Turn |sbi|

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Prompt: write a story about someone sticking to a course of action even when it's clearly wrong.

"Google says make a U-turn here, then go back to the main road and take a left." Tommy read the instructions from google maps. So far Phil hadn't listened to any directions Tommy had given.

They had been on the road for 2 and a half hours already. The trip was supposed to be 5 hours, yet Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur knew they weren't even close. Phil always insistent on driving, even after both Techno and Wilbur got their license.

"I've taken this road many times, I know how to get there." Phil snaps back.

He was getting frustrated with people telling him to take another way. He's been driving for many years, he didn't need to listen to a computer tell him what to do.

Family road trips have been a thing since Wilbur was first adopted. They got consistent when Techno was adopted a year later, and they were encouraged when Tommy joined the family.  Phil got lost every time it seemed. When they were younger it was funny, now however it was frustrating that Phil wouldn't set his side aside and listen to the three of them.

"Don't bug him, he's in a mood." Techno says, momentarily looking up from his phone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Phil asked, taking a side ways glance at the pink haired teen.

"It means you're in road trip mode," Wilbur piped up from the back, taking his headphones out momentarily, " You know, the one where you're always right and you don't listen to us."

Phil could hear the smirk in Wilbur's voice. He definitely heard the hushed laughter of Tommy and Techno.  The oldest sighed and went back to concentrate on driving. If he responded, his kids would surely argue back and call him old.

Something was off, the road did seem a tad bit different in Phil's opinion. Phil shook it off as just the potholes getting worse in some sections and the road being fixed in others. Then the trees were off. There were more than usual and more pine instead of oak. Phil knew something was wrong but he didn't want to jump to the worse conclusion.

The best scenario was that Phil was remembering the road wrong. The worst was that Phil remembered the directions wrong and they were getting father from their destination. Phil liked the first one better.

Techno knew something was wrong. He had been playing candy crush on his phone (it was an addicting game don't judge), when he noticed they were taking longer than usual to get to the halfway point.

The oldest child glanced at Phil's face. It was etched with concentration and Techno knew that Phil must have made a mistake.

"Phil, please." Techno sighed after another 6 minutes on the wrong road.

Phil sighed, he didn't want to give in now. He's been going to this destination for well over 10 years now, how could he still make mistakes? Phil always encouraged his kids to own up to their mistakes and learn from them. However, he still didn't like admitting if he was wrong (which he wasn't by the way).

They ended up driving for another 20 minutes before Phil stopped the car. The road was surrounded by deep forest on either side while the sky slowly faded into more of an orange and pink colour.

"Phil, just admit it. We're lo-" Tommy started but was promptly cut off by a frustrated Phil.

"Don't  say it mate. We are not lost." Phil said taking a deep breath and tapping his fingers gently on the steering wheel.

"Oh we're so fucking lost!" Wilbur laughed gleefully. He was honestly amused by their situation and needed entertainment after he had finished one too many levels on word scapes on his phone.

Techno turned to glare at Wilbur from his seat up front. The younger twin merely flipped him the bird and switched to a more comfortable seating position. Wilbur knew they would be there for a while.

"Please just let Tommy get directions." Techno sighed, frustration tangled within his words.

Phil rested his head against the top of the steering wheel. He was tired and frustrated and really didn't want to admit he has been lost for the past hour and 20 minutes.

"Fine. Fine Tommy pull out the map." Phil relented. Tommy gave a quiet (not really) shout of hurray and pulled his phone from his sweater pocket.

The twins relaxed with the knowledge that they would either go home, or continue to a hotel nearby. Either way, they would get a bed to sleep in and out of the overly humid car.

"Uh we have a slight issue." Tommy's voice called from the backseat.

Everyone turned to stare at Tommy, confusing and desperation hanging in the air from their gazes.

"Please tell me this problem is just that we're far away from everything." Phil told the youngest.

"Like, that's part of it." Tommy winced. No one was going to take his news well.

"Just tell us." Wilbur groaned. However annoying complaints may be, they all shared Wilbur's frustration. They were tired, stressed and hungry. Three emotions that honestly did not mix well together.

Tommy stuck his tongue out at Wilbur and passed him his phone.

The brunet rolled his eyes at the immaturity but took the phone graciously. His demeanour changed from playful to a "we're fucked" aura as soon as he took a glance at the screen.

"Mate, tell us what's going on." Phil said when neither Tommy or Wilbur spoke up. Wilbur pressed his lips in a thin line and passed the phone up to Techno.

"Fuck." Techno replied after taking a glance. He then handed the device to Phil while the other two nodded to what Techno had said.

Phil frowned and proceeded to hand Tommy's phone back and pinching the bridge of his nose. There was no reception here.

"Any good news?" Phil asked after a long moment of silence.

"Ya! I can just use someone's hot spot for service then I can look at the map again." Tommy supplied while everyone looked at him with a monotone expression.

"Why the fuck are you all looking at me like that?" The youngest squawked.

"Tommy, think about it. If you don't have reception, then none of us fucking do!" Wilbur replied.

Tommy was struck with realization as he let out a quiet "oh".

"Ya, if that's the case then we're fucking lost."

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