Script |eret&wilbur|

53 2 1

Cw: light hearted swearing, maybe intense tckles??

Background info: basically dream smp is a play thats made by these theatre nerds.


"Eret, I trusted you." Wilbur's voice cracked as he stared at his friend- his enemy.

Eret grinned, and without her sunglasses Wilbur was sure there would be a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"Why?! Why did you do this? Was L'Manberg not enough for you? Was I not enough for you?" Wilbur cried. His sword hung by his side, the grip on the handle slowly tightening with each passing moment.

"All L'Manberg was was false hope Will."

"Don't call me that. You don't get to fucking call me that anymore." Wilbur seethed. Eret raised an eyebrow but continued.

"Fine. Wilbur, you must have seen it. L'Manberg was doomed from the start! This way, I at least get something out of it instead of going down like everyone else. You could have had this too if you had just surrendered." Eret stated.

"It wasn't doomed! You were the one that doomed it!" Wilbur screamed. Eret stared blankly and neither spoke.

All there was was the soft sound of heavy breathing and the smell of ash and soot in the air from the tnt destruction.

"Umm, we haven't written the next part yet." Eret broke character with an awkward laugh.

Wilbur sighed, putting the foam sword down and walking over to the laptop on his desk. The brunet leaned on the wood and stared at the screen, re reading all the lines.

"Any ideas on how to finish this scene?" Eret asked walking over to glance over their friends shoulder.

Wilbur just sighed resting his elbows on the desk and putting his face in his hands. Eret winced, patting his back.

"We don't have to finish this right now if you don't want. We can work on a different scene, I know this one has been hard." Eret comforted. Wilbur shrugged their arm off and looked at the screen again.

"It's not that. This scene is just shit so far." Wilbur responded. He typed "change this scene^^" under the last scripted lines.

"The fuck are you saying? It's good Will." Eret said back. He wasn't even lying, Eret loved this scene because of how Wilbur wrote it.

Wilbur scoffed. "It's shit compared to the rest. I can't fucking get this one right it's all awkward and not how I want it and it's just not good enough."

"Explain why it's 'shit' then." Eret crossed her arms.

"Well first off I cant think of any good lines for Tommy's character. Next I don't fucking know how to write a character pleading not to be betrayed. It's all just wrong and not good." Wilbur went to press the delete button to start deleting the scene but Eret grabbed his wrists from behind the brunet.

"Nope. No deleting." Eret started firmly.

"I'm deleting it, you cant stop me." Wilbur yanked on his wrists gently but Eret didn't budge.

"I can make you promise me."

"I won't fucking promise." Wilbur rolled his eyes. Eret adjusted his grip so he was hiding Wilbur's hands in one hand.

"I can make you."

Wilbur narrowed his eyes, wondering what Eret had planned. There was amusement in their voice, so Wilbur knew it was nothing bad.

"How?" Wilbur dared to ask the question.

"Like this." Eret bluntly said before tasering the brunet side.

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