Pears |quackity|

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CW: mentions of smoking and drinking, this is all their canon characters btw! I don't actually ship them. Quackity and Schlatt were married in the DSMP roleplay

Quackity came back to his house to the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

It was a small house, one bedroom with a queen sized bed, a small kitchen with a fridge, freezer, microwave and stove. A wooden kitchen counter that was used as the table. The living room had a chair in the corner for reading, and a two cushion navy couch with a side table that held two books.

Again? Quackity thought rolling his eyes. He couldn't be disappointed anymore, his husband had promised to go clean two years ago but still hasn't.

Quackity put the bag of groceries he was carrying down on the counter. He put them away and then did the dishes not caring about the cold water.


He was always left to do the chores and make the small apartment look presentable and smell decent. By this point he was used to it, but it still sucked giving that his job shift ended at 9pm. Technically it could end whenever, but with Schlatt not doing much Quackity was practically being the president along with Tubbo.

He walked into the living room to see his husband Schlatt passed out on the couch, three cigarettes on the table and an empty bottle of vodka in his hand.

Quackity took the bottle and threw away the cigarettes then went back to throw a blanket over the other. Schlatt probably wouldn't notice or care but it was something.

By the time he was done everything it was already past 10. He knew he had to wake up early the next day so he went to sleep without eating so much as a pear.

Quackity hated pears. The dark haired male took one bite before spitting it out, it was rotten. He tossed it into a small plastic container reserved for compost, then proceeded to walk to his and Schlatts shared bedroom.

The beanie wearer took one look at his closet, rolling eyes with a "screw it" thought. Quackity flopped onto the navy sheets, taking time to get comfortable enjoying all the space he had while his lover was passed out in the living room.

Quackity stared at the roof for the longest time, wondering about absolutely nothing while at the same time absolutely everything.

How much of a mess his life has been these past two years, but also how much it has changed. Changed for the better, he hoped. Quackity knew better though. Manberg wasn't better. It was just sadder. Non of the residents were having fun now that Schlatt was in control. They all lived in fear or spite. Sometimes both.

Quackity's eyes stared at the plain grey curtains that's blocked little to no light. The sun was starting to rise so he seemed it a good time to get out of bed.

Quackity rubbed his sleep deprived eyes before changing into a pair of jeans and dress too with a dark jacket. He had a meeting to attend too. Well Schlatt did but the chances of Schlatt doing anything at the meeting were slim. He walked out of his and Schlatt's shared room and went to into the kitchen.

Why do we only ever have pears?

Quackity huffed grabbing a glass of water, drinking it all in one big gulp. He heard a groan from the couch so he trotted over to check what it was. Schlatt was getting up holding his head in pain. He was hungover again.

"Quackity?" The brunet asked squinting, the light too harsh for his eyes at the moment. Quackity made a noise of acknowledgment and brought over a pain killer and a glass of water. Schlatt grabbed them and swallowed quickly while the other left to get ready to leave.

"Meeting in two hours," Quackity began, "Please be there I'll be back to bring you 20 minutes before it starts." As soon as the words left his mouth he was out the door. The cold morning air poked at his face yet it was refreshing. A good change from the stuffy house he lived in.

Quackity entered Niki's bakery in search of breakfast. The store had just opened and the smell of the fresh goods was delectable and comforting.

"We only have pear tarts made right now." Niki told him. Quackity resisted the urge to scowl and thanked her before leaving. How unlucky was he?

Quackity continued his walk about Manberg. He was thankful for the beanie he always wore or he may have frozen right there. The nation seemed dull and lifeless right now. There was no kids to cause any ruckus, no drug schemes, and there was no one walking along the streets yet. A frown made its way onto his face.

Had he really helped in doing this? Did he help Schlatt ruin something that coukd have been so great? If quackity could take it back he would have. Maybe he could have lived in L'Manberg. Wilbur probably would have let him honestly, he was open to people joining.

But he had to go against him. Quackity mentally kicks past him for being ignorant. If he had opened his eyes and seen that all Schlatt wanted was power then he wouldn't have agreed to merge the votes. He wouldn't have agreed to get married. Then L'Manberg would still be colourful and bustling with life.

Quackity dreaded going back. He'd rather walk around all day and get frostbite then go to stupid meetings with someone who didn't even care. The outside, no matter how boring it could be was peaceful. It was calm when there was no one else around to fuck it up.

Something fell from the tree in front of him. Quackity picked it up and scowled.

Why is it always a damn pear?

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