Movement |techno|

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(Vent fic. This isn't any specific mental thingy btw, this is just how I get sometimes and idk why LMAO)

Why did he feel like this?

It was like an energy build up. Too much, he needed to move or run to get rid of it. Standing still was irritating and made the feeling worse. Techno didn't like running, he preferred to sit on a chair or counter and read a good book.

Techno chose to ignore the feeling. The sudden impulses to just shake his hands and swing his arm. Instead he would opt to tapping his middle finger against his thumb. Any little movement help, but not enough. The feeling was persistent. Some days worse than others. Most days it was fleeting and just in the back of his mind. Days like today were the worst, the feeling was screaming in his head. Telling him to move or even do something.

Techno didn't like it. Did everyone feel this way? Was this normal? Techno didn't know.

On days when it was worse Techno didn't want to see anyone. Social interactions were exhausting as it is and he didn't want someone to ask why he couldn't sit still. Techno was scared no one would understand. He feared that they would say he's not normal.

On days like this, everything felt like too much.

Someone tapping him on the shoulder made him tense and his head screamed for him to get away and for people to stop touching him.

"Hey m8, you okay?" Phil asked as he stepped into Technos room. Techno realized he must have left the door open when he last went downstairs.

"Ya, ya I'm fine. Just an off day I guess." He mumbled in reply. Phil nodded in understanding and patted Technos shoulder before leaving him alone.

Techno appreciated being left alone, however the tap was too much. His body froze while his mind ran a mile a minute.

Within 20 seconds Techno was standing up, pacing around his room as he flapped his hands. He had to get rid of the touch somehow and he just had to move and he didn't know why he couldn't stop it (if he really tried he could, but that would make the sensation worse).

His shirt felt itchy, the texture starting to bug him when he registered the tag at the back of the shirt too. Techno cringed at it, wanting it gone but not wanting to change.

Quickly, Techno walked to the bathroom across the hall and closed and locked the door. The doorknob was too cold, was it always that cold?

He continued to pace, switching between twiddling his hands together or flapping them separately. Techno tried shaking a leg, but that only caused a few seconds of relief in his kind before the feeling came back at full force.

Techno pulled off his glasses, tossing them into the bathroom counted as he rubbed his eyes. His eyesight was blurry and it was annoying and he hated it and he just wanted everything to stop for a moment.

When he opened his eyes the blurry ness subsided a bit and Techno took a deep breath. Everything was going to be fine he was okay.

Then it wasn't fine.

The lights were too bright, it was giving Techno a headache but just mainly annoying him. Why did he feel like crying because of this?

He turned off the light, now the only light source being the daylight that shined in from the window. That light was manageable, that light was okay for Techno.

He went back to flapping his hand at the same time he tried to take deeper breaths. He clicked his tongue a few times and realized that helped just a bit so he kept doing it.

"Do do do do do do do," Techno said under his breath when the tongue clicking wasn't doing enough. Twisting his neck from side to side his body and mind started to calm down more. Either from exhaustion or because Techno had stopped whatever that was.

Sighing, his stopped shaking his left hand and went back to his room. He turned off the lamo in his room, knowing it might make things worse later on.

Getting under his covers he sighed with exhaustion. It was only just past 4pm and already he wanted the day to be over. His brained fogged as his eye lids rested, getting slowly heavier and Techno wasn't going to stop them from closing completely. His mind teetered on the edge of two distinct thoughts, if he should move more, or if he should sleep it off.

It seemed his body won, and he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

When Techno awoke, it was to the sound of his bedroom door opening. His covered his eyes with his hand to block the hallway light from flowing into his eye sight. He always hated hallway lights, even on a good day.

"Tech, you okay?" Phil asked as he stepped into the room. Techno shrugged from his blankets and motioned for Phil to turn off the light. He didn't want to speak right now, his mind didn't want to speak right now.

"Want to talk about it?" Phil asked after he reached to turn off the hallway light.

Techno mentally sighed with joy, the light was off it was okay.

The pinkette shook his head at Phil, signing "talk tomorrow" with his hands. Though he knew very limited sign, that was one he learned for days like this (which happened more frequently than he would like to admit, however normally they were never that bad).

Phil nodded and waved goodbye, exiting the room and closing his door quietly unlike anyone else in the house could do (cough Tommy cough).

Techno pulled the covers back up to his face, he just wanted to sleep the rest of the day (or night now) away so he could start new tomorrow.

That seemed like a good plan, he reasoned with himself. He let his eye lids fall closed once again and allowed himself to drift off peacefully, content that there was no more noise or light.

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