Meeting fates (part 3)

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Nischala reached home by evening, her welcome is grand her mother made it special. The whole family came to the entrance to receive her.

Nischala got satisfied seeing Mrunalini doing all servant works made her happier, she took all the luggage from palanquin to her room, she washed her legs neatly, then made her bath arrangements

Nischala relaxed after a bath when she entered the dining area she found Mrunalini missing
"Where is Mrunalini?" she asked her mother
"She has to visit her friend's mother who is about to deliver she has to deliver some medicines it's urgent"
"It's almost night time and you sent her now?" Nischala asked her father
"Yes, she has a habit of saving people and it doesn't take timings" he answered
"She can send medicine with servants what is the need of her going there? Doesn't she have any dignity? For God sake, she is kings born how can she forget that?"
"She is a princess not just king born that even applies for you too, you respect her too" her brother taunted
"Don't you dare raise your voice in front of me Natraj I am your elder sister and I am not low born as you don't forget this"
No one is low born here Nischala" her father raised voice "you all are my children and you all are equal, you Natraj she is elder be careful while you speak this not acceptable here"
Everyone became silent,
"Just now my daughter came you all started to irritated her?" Vaishali shouted at everyone
"Silence ranisa! Eat let us enjoy a meal with daughter, Nischala as your training completed now, shall I look for a suitable match for your marriage?"
"No father, I want to enjoy my life a little more and let all the prince of all nations ask for my hand then I will choose one among them"
"As you wish I will always respect your choices"
"Father, when I am coming home some bandits attacked me, by God grace I survived with the help of Jai Singh Rathode he is the king of Bhundi he arranged me new palanquin and some gifts along with some soldiers he sent me back safely if possible can we invite him as gratitude for lunch?"
"This is unbelievable we had bandits in our country?"
"No, it's not our borders father"
"Ok, God grace you are safe I am thankful to that person for sure I will send my men to invite him and we will make the occasion special for him"
"Why didn't you tell me? How are you? Are you safe?" Vaishali asked with worry
"Don't worry Ma saheb I am safe and in front of you it was he who kept me safe"
"We should treat him well if possible we will be friendly with his kingdom"
Nischala smiled to herself "he is special" she said to herself

After her didisa welcome Mrunalini rushed to her friend and her Sakhi Radha house as her mother is having her tenth child she is so weak, Mrunalini is monitoring her for six months and today she is having her pains daima came for delivery she is struggling from morning till now delivery didn't happen

"Princess, we need to keep her safe even after delivery so we need herbs which will help her after delivery complications which used it on General's lady last night what to do?" Daima asked

"I forgot! Don't worry I will bring them now"
"Princess it's already dark and it's dangerous"
"Don't worry I know every inch of our places so I will be safe and I will take two guards with me don't worry" Mrunalini rushed to the mountain with her two guards

She directly walked to the place and started plucking some leaves and some fruits of another tree which combined makes medicine for a blood clot and strengthening of body muscles

When she completed and returning she heard some voices she hushed her guards and walked without sound, she peeked and found a person on knees and another one pricing weird in his heart ruthlessly
Mrunalini keenly observed and took her khanjar aimed it perfectly on his hand before it could reach the killer hand he pierced the sword into the other person heart mercilessly and khanjar hit his hand just in fraction of seconds later

Mrunalini rushed towards him and tried to save the person but he is dead already the killer still had khanjar in his hand along with a sword which he didn't leave even with pain
"You animal! Why did you kill a person?" she took his collar in angry and pain
"Who the hell are you to question me?" the killer said with attitude while removing khanjar from his hand, and then took his mask and started cleaning his wound, Mrunalini with anger looked at him, the same time he gazed her

Both stood silent in search of something, "you are?????" Mrunalini is trying to recollect whereas the killer already recognised her so he cleaned the khanjar with a smirk

"Princess we need to go Radha might be waiting and this is not our area, please let us go" the guard suggested she started walking  still recollecting who he is?

After few steps, she came running back "Rudra!" she said with adoration and anticipation "I knew you are alive Rudra"
"Who is Rudra? I am Jai Singh Rathode king of Bhundi" he said with an irritating tone
"No, you are Rudra" she took his left hand and checked his finger "see it's Ranisa ring which she gifted when she was on death bed don't fool me" Mrunalini is eager to know her childhood friend is still alive as she believed unlike others who declared him dead

"Sorry to break your bubble but no I am not, if you want I can pretend as him if you can give yourself to me in return," jai Singh said holding her arm dragging her near to him with a mischievous smirk
"Don't you dare touch me, I never permitted you to touch me" she came out of his grip and slapped him with anger

Her belief in Rudra being alive is shattered and she is still in confusion as her gut feeling saying this is Rudra and the behaviour and his personality is differing it which made her lose her calm

Jai who got smack made him go mad, he with anger and frustration took Mrunalini both arm and came to her bent himself to her level. She is ready to shout at him, Jai took her lips with his lips,

Anger replaced adoration in a fraction of seconds for Jai, he started kissing her with passion and devotion. Mrunalini is struggling, kicking him, seeing this guard came to drag him away but Jai didn't bulge nor deviated from the kiss, Mrunalini in anger bit his lips harshly Jai smiled "junglebilly!" he said and again kissed her softly and left

Guards are already beating him with a sword, and one is ready to give him cut but Jai took it with his hand and it gave his hand cut which already had injury of Mrunalini khanjar

"You bastard how dare you to violet my dignity? Guards give me your sword" she demanded
One gave her, she took and attacked him he within no time took his sword and started defending her

"Wow princess you know to fight well for you" Jai complimented guards too started attacking him, Jai within no time took Mrunalini into his hug from the backside of her and secured her tightly while fighting with them "princess go home it's already late night if you want one more kiss I am ready don't waste my time someone is waiting for to spend the night with me and you gave me hots already," he said in her ear while sucking her earlobe

Mrunalini got goosebumps with disgust or with his actions she couldn't get a clear idea but she hated this man with all her guts
"Guards! Let us go now, and you, respect the life of a person and girls dignity I will make you pay for this, now I am in hurry" she irritated and came out of his grip took some leaves from her bag took his hand and kept them in his palm "apply them they will heal your hand soon"

She then came away from him took his horse "this is your punishment" she said and climbed on it while rubbing horseback smoothly "chal" she started to go fast while guards running her back.

Jail smiled,

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