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Jai with their family and all reached the capital, at the entrance, his Ministers along with family came to greet them.

Jai got up from his horse and came near palanquin, gave ranisa his hand, she took it, and got down, Radha helped to set her dress neat.

Once she stood up, she look her surroundings, stunned by the ambience, the whole path is covered with flower petals, each side ladies stood with aarthi plates, a group of classical dancers are dancing with welcome songs, pandits are chanting mantras,

She overwhelmed with such a grand welcome, she folded her hands in respect towards everyone then started to walk,  Jai held her hand in his, everyone started throwing flowers on them as a blessing, she smiled broadly
"Maharaj ki jai ho, Maharani ki jai ho, " words are chanting all over, A tone of happiness excitement is heard in them, faces were glowing with happiness.

Some people came forward and blessed especially, jai and Mrunalini took them warmly. Jai is constantly gazing at the smiling face of Mrunalini, he felt a tint of pride and self-appreciation, his childhood Mini is seen now, the way she widened eyes twinkling at the surrounding the excitement enthusiasm and happiness found in them when she first time came to Jodhpur for vasantbostav, same experiences again for jai from her happiness.

She squeezes his hand whenever they say Maharani ki jai ho" speaking of thrilling heart to him, he felt happy for doing this, for arranging that,

He is worried too, it is taking more than an hour they are walking, his capital is enormous, and people about thousands live in the capital, today, people from surrounding villages too came to bless and wish the king on his marriage. So crossing them all and walking made it difficult, they will take still some time to reach
"Ranisa are you ok? Can you still walk if not I will call for an open palanquin for you" he asked in a low tone
"Will miss this exciting thrilling for my legs pain Ranasa? It's once in lifetime experience loved and cared for us by these many people is not that easy, I am so delighted" she said with a sparkling smile

"He felt proud of his own choice, he never once felt a tint of doubt about her, the first time when she took the sufferings along with him protecting him from them, he determined to keep this Ranisa of his in his heart and beside him on throne sharing his crown, but when he found her back, while she was surrounded by common people, she is lecturing them like a mother to toddlers, and them listening to her word with shame and asking her forgiveness made him feel his heart with pride, she always loved by everyone around her, even her mother liked her instantly which he didn't expect. Now all his people are showering their happiness he felt satisfied

They reached the entrance of mahal, Mrunalini turned back, folded her hands slightly bowing towards Praja she showed her gratitude towards them all clapped with happiness and hooted her saying Maharani ki jai ho"

At the entrance, pandits started chanting mantras, a group of ladies came forward with big aarthi ki thali and sang a song giving aarthi, then a lady came with a sindhur plate and one with a water bowl, Mrunalini dipped her hands in water then soaked her hands in sindhur, she took two steps and printed her hands on the entrance wall neatly.

Four people came and started making a frame around the handprint of Mrunalini with a golden frame
"Why are they framing it?" she asked jai in confusion
"I want that print of yours to stay forever that will show me my achievement for myself, whenever I return to Mahal this frame welcomes me with warm and happy feelings with all these memories" he explained she blushed

A group of ladies came dancing taking them inside while singing a welcome song for them.

After entering, Sulochana did aarthi, and tilak she rotated some gold coins plates, jewellery plates around both and gave them to dasi saying to distribute them
Nischala came and did aarthi too, now new couple entered the Main mahal,

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