Denial is always acceptence

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Whole Mahal is in hustle, everywhere war preparations are going on, soldiers are preparing their weapons and travelling Equipments, Mrinalini is investigating every item

Mrinalini called all nagapilakas, court ladies and slaves to her wings, she made them sit comfortably and served snacks and fruits

"As you all are going to war, I want you to know that come home back safely, you are my responsibility, so I don't want anyone missing, today I will give you some things you use them when ever you see it needed, the khanjar with poison, kill anyone who crosses their line even if it our soldiers or general I don't care nobody can cross line with you, unless and until you are willing to give yourself to them, next is antidote to any poisons, it will save from maximum poisons use wisely, next is medicine for you to avoid unwanted pregnancy, if you are not willing to have child in such situations use it, most important thing if you are not willing to go you are free to walk away no one will force you to go, I will respect your wish" she said politely

Everyone accepted the offer, they gave their concern to go to war along with troops,

"Ok when you are all willing to go, I will give you some instructions, if at all you feel we are loosing the war, don't surrender or kill yourself, just take the green bottle medicine it will make you unconscious for hours so that everyone thinks you are dead, then you can escape afterwards, I will gift everyone a gold ornament, sell them and live happily in some other place your life is more precious than kingdom and kings without you people King can't rule and no kingdom exists so live your life first.

Most important is your life then soldiers then general then comes King, he will protect you not other way around, keep that in mind, use food wisely, to connect me just send a piece of cloth of you choli I will reach you

Don't ever hesitate to kill anyone when needed, if anyone pregnant now just stand away you are not allowed to go, Radha check everyone pulse record them if any problem exist just disqualify them their health is important.

Entertain the troop, don't supply drinks, just make them laugh, smile even when they are at end of life, never discourage yourself nor soldiers, about your family they are safe with me, I will kill everyone who even dare to come near them so be careful about yourself follow your instincts always"

"Maharanisa! Till now everyone said we should protect King with our lives no one said that we are most important till now gratitude for your generosity, we will be safe and we will keep our people safe as much as possible, we need permission to entertain King" one of the nagapalika asked politely.  

"Ranasa is free spirited person, he can have anyone when ever he wants he doesn't need my approval, but you should be careful and entertaining to him, never disappoint him in anyways who ever goes to him keep one thing in mind you should always obey him totally no tricks no foul plays be genuine and gentle one more thing, after having Ranasa you will be added to haram so walk to me directly onceyou are back, don't hesitate" she clarified

"I have one question before in any war does anyone served King before? If so just stand up"

"Kshama Maharanisa! King never touched any lady before, even when Badi Maharanisa insisted he didn't had a look at us" one of them answered

Mrinalini felt sad why she don't know. After some more talks and instructions she sent them away.

Here Jai is at training grounds planning everything since morning, when it is lunch time Mrinalini sent Radha to invite him for lunch, Jai came to dining hall found his mother queen waiting for him.

"Pranam Masaheb!"
"Pranam Ranasa"
All sat together
"Why are you waiting for me Masa, you should have taken rest by now"
"I want to eat with you, come on sit down"
He sat down did puja and smiled at Mrinalini "are you both tensed?"
"Never" both laughed "actually today we were thinking about things we can do in your absence"
"Really? And what are they?" Jai frowned
"Like we can gossip on you, go to capital market, what've fun in mahal with dancers, we can call ministers wives and play chowset, much more"
"Masaheb we can even party with all ladies we can exhibit our dresses ornaments new flowers in garden"
"Yes that will be great, what about we plan some skills exhibition like embroidery, painting etc"
"Great Masaheb we will do all of them"
"We will return back in just four days" Jai clarified
"What? Only four days?" Both said in sad tone
"Yes four days so don't fly high just be good girls wait for me" he smirked
"No problem Masa! We will do somany things in four days" Mirunalini encouraged
"Don't you miss me?" Jai asked with anger
"So what? Even if I miss you, can't I enjoy? You will be at war enjoying and why should we just sit and wait?"
"I am going war not for enjoyment"
"But war is best entertainment" she argued
"I got a wife who thinks war is entertaining, all other men have wife crying and begging for not to go on war why so? Why is my life so complicated" he said dramatically
Both ladies laughed "because you are naughty" Sulochana held his ear and scolded "we will miss you same time we both will bond happily this our time you can't complain"
"Ok but once I return I will take revenge" he said with gritting teeth at  Mrinalini
"We will see" both laughed at him
Jai got more irritated

When he took leave from Sulochana, he dragged Mrinalini with him outside his mothers mahal,
"So you will enjoy when I am away from you?"
"Why can't I?" She asked battling her eyelids innocently
Jai smirked "wow what a innocent look, let me show how innocent you are" he jerked her to himself with one hand held her lower back and other hand on her neck he started kissing her sensually she started to struggle in his hand as everyone are around them but Jai didn't care

"Ranasa! We are outside everyone are around us we should maintain dignity" she scolded
"As if I ever cared? They will gossip about us saying how much you have smitten me and bounded me to your pallu" he said casually
Mrinalini mouth fell "really Ranasa? Day by day you are becoming impossible"
"Then tell me you will miss me a lot" he demanded
She looked at him in disbelief laughed "no I won't I will enjoy" she said firmly and ran-away

Jai with frustration ran behind her, she with giggles and laughter running making face to him, Jai is trying hard to catch hold her but it's impossible as she skips so wisely while mahal is watching them running dasi and servants are laughing watching them, some are helping Jai by blocking Mrinalini but she is so talented she is escaping them some more started to block Jai he too escaping them

Game turned to fun with whole people around them Sulochana came listening she came in between "what happened why are you both running?"
"Ask her to admit she misses me" Jai said with anger and sad face
"Nah!" Mrinalini answered
Sulochana laughed "so this all is for that one Jai you are king but you are budhu! What should I do with you?" She hit her forehead
All ladies started laughing along with Sulochana
Jai is confused "Masa! You are making fun of me along with them?" He complained like kid she hugged him with smile "girls say deny is always yes when will you learn that?" She exclaimed
Jai looked her confused then gazed at Mrinalini her face is smiling but her eyes are teary he understood came to Mrinalini and hugged her she denied first but he held her firm she started to hug him with tears everyone clapped both felt embarrassed and left each other with smile
"Always understand the underlined words and in between words when wife speaks" Sulochana said with smile

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