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Malwa king Chauhan is now training his sons, he is unhealthy nowadays, death of his only love Shambavi a year ago made him weak and unhealthy.

Nischala the elder daughter of Chauhan is sent to Vaishali's motherland to get the best training to be the future queen, which she born to.

Being smart and beautiful with a sharp brain, Nischala is always the best choice for many kingdoms, among them Rathode family is one, being friendly kingdoms, and childhood friends Shourya is constantly making moves and Parvati is determined to make Nischala her bahu

Whereas Mrunalini  fate is always been a big troll, despite a concubine's daughter Raja Vikram Singh insisted to get Mrunalini training as queen, he always wants his daughters to be queens in future

He made sure that Mrunalini too got the best training for her future, Vishali is against this she gave Mrunalini a tough time Mrunalini never complained nor revolted she accepted all her odds and got trained

Mrunalini is unlike other girls, she is kindhearted and smart, she is talented in fighting skills and household things, she always collects a variety of medicines and helps poor people, she even trains poor girls with embroidery, so that they can sell their work and earn money to support their families.

Mrunalini even conduct classes for girls in sword training and arrow shouting to safeguard themselves, she tells every girl in her kingdom to be strong and self-sufficient to lead a respectable life in future

Nischala is different from Mrunalini she admired her dignity and position she hated other categories of people she only speaks to people of her kind, she despises other people and their birth, status is the only thing that matters to her

After four years Nischala is coming home from training, the whole mahal is been decorated everywhere celebrations are held the whole family is strictly ordered to keep things perfect for Nischala. As she is the queen's daughter

Food is prepared according to her taste, the room is specially decorated by Mrunalini, she took one week to keep things neat and clean no dasi or servant is allowed to help her, it is  punishment for Mrunalini for nothing

Mrunalini never opposed Vaishali she always obeys her orders being queen and mother to her she respects her a lot despite her rude and bullying behaviour this made Vaishali crueller all time

Nischala is travelling to her homeland for her grandmother place after training, it's been four years since she is away from her mother she is desperate to see her mostly Mrunalini, she wants to torture her in a new and unique way which she learned in training duration

She hates the birth of all the other children of Vikram Singh she treats them as street dogs but two boys never care for her not giving her any satisfaction but Mrunalini pain and tears made Nischala feed her ego with satisfaction so she now with new sport and new determination wants to see her in pain

The main reason for this hatred is Mrunalini getting training as future queen which irked her most a low born should never dream to equal her with anything calling her father as a father is never accepted by her now she is even got a dream to be equal to her made Nischala go crazy

When her palanquin entered a mountain area, she asked to stop "I want to relax a bit and get freshen up" she said to her Sakhi, she stopped the palanquin

Nischala got up from the palanquin and stretched her body as she travelling for hours when she felt good she walked a little found a small pond she got freshen up and dressed up neatly, Sakhi brought some snacks she sat on wood and started eating

All of sudden from nowhere a bunch of bandits attacked her, she is been surrounded, everyone started to scream in fear, servants and guards came to help fighting started, they started killing guards Nischala panicked seeing defeat, she started running and all four bandits are running after her

When she felt she almost got caught she was lifted in the air, she screamed in fear but she was held by a strong arm securely and made her sit on his horse, she with fear looked at him, a very charming and beautiful face appeared. She lost in its sculpture, maybe God has taken all his time to make this man be this perfect she felt.

The horse is running fast and within no time they reached a village, he stopped his horse and got down lifted Nischala and made her stand
"Who are you?" Nischala asked with dreamy eyes
"May I know is it, Vikram Singh Rajashab daughter Nischala?" he asked politely
"Yes," she said with attitude
"It's my luck today I got to have a glance of you princess I am obliged" he greeted her
She smiled with pride she knows that her popularity is high but this high that an unknown prince is taking her name made her swell with pride

"Maharaj!" a guard came and greeted him "fight is about to start" he informed
"Send people to mountain and bring the princess belongings and her people to the ground" he ordered
"Princess if you don't mind there is a composition going on in-ground it may be entertaining if you are interested" he insisted
"Sure," Nischala asked him to lead the way
He walked she followed

The ground is filled with people all are shouting and screaming when he entered the ground with Nischala they all clapped "Maharaj ki Jai" and started to shout with happiness
He removed his crown and dress and came with cotton cloths and entered the ground wrestling is going on the opponent is strong and heavy he already defeated three persons at a time

When Maharaj entered, all became silent and started watching keenly, Nischala is tensed fighting started both are fighting with neck and neck competition, everyone held their breath in anticipation and stress, Maharaj when felt enough he took things in hand and with the single move made the opponent to fall on the ground, kept his leg on his face and made him unmoveable

All at a time shouted with happiness, and hotted Nischala clapped with happiness, meanwhile, all her guards and people along with her belongings and palanquin are brought back
"Princess are you ok?" everyone asked
"Yes I am ok you all are useless creatures" she scolded them all
Maharaj came back dressed we'll
"I hope you are entertained, princess"
"Yes, I didn't know your name, Maharaj" Nischala asked
"Jai Singh Rathode," he said
"Rathode? Jodhpur king is your relative?"
"Very distant they are cousins of my great-great-grandfather my uncle Ratan Singh works in his darbar as chief minister"
"You are his niece?"
"Yes I am"
"We are friends with jodhpur for a long back queen Parvati is very close to me," Nischala said proudly
"I never met her I am willing to meet her soon," he said with a smile
"She is a great lady I admire her a lot we share the same mentality we have the same ideology about low-class street dogs"
Jail sigh didn't say anything "I want to invite you to my mahal princess take rest and start your journey"
"I am sorry to disappoint you, Maharaj, even offer is tempting I have rush home my mother might be worried sick if fate allows we will meet again and then I will sure visit your mahal" she rejected politely
"My bad luck at least let me make you react comfortable" Jai sigh allotted twenty soldiers, and some more food items and some gifts for her and arranged a brand new golden palanquin which is a more comfortable one for her
"These are required"
"Just for my satisfaction princess don't refuse" he insisted Nischala smile and sat in a new palanquin and started her journey saying her proper bye to Jai Singh
Jail is emitted by her charm and beauty she felt proud

Characters name: jodhpur kingdom
King: Sindhubhirav Singh Rathod
Queen: Parvati
Concubine; Bhargavi
Sindhubhirav and Bhargavi had the only son: Rudrannsh Singh Rathod
Parvati and Sindhubhirav son: Shourya Singh Rathode

Malwa kingdom
King: Vikramaditya Singh Chauhan
Queen: Vaishali
Concubine: shambhavi
Concubine 2: Ratnamala

Vikram and Vaishali daughter: Nischala
Vikram and shambhavi daughter: Mrunalini and son: Nataraj
Vikram and Ratnamala son: Manjunath

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