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Shourya is infamous for gambling habits and ladies, he like bee get attracted to them, the whole country knows it, and he has a very bad habit of raising the gambling level if wins, but most of the time he loses

Jai knows his these habits, since childhood, actual fiasco happened from this very habit of his, Rudra remembers this very well,

When they were ten years old, All the alliance kings came to a meeting along with their families, children all are playing, girls are at area and boys are doing gambling and shouting, Shourya is playing gambling with friends, Rudra sat away from them reading his book, they all are shouting fighting on gambling, suddenly the queen came and stopped everything and sent everyone away, she ordered Rudra to clean the mess, when he is cleaning mess king came, seeing Rudra chowset king got angry and gave punishment thinking he is the one playing gambling, Rudra tried to explain him but queen came forward "ranasa please don't be angry he is just kid I will explain to him go and do you work, please"
"No. Need to know his duties as Rajkumar," the king said with anger"
"He is just a kid and he recently lost his mother and all kings are here so please for my sake leave him"
Listening to his mother name king left with a sad face, when she confirmed that the king left, she took her dagger and cut his chest harshly "how dare you to complain about me and my son did you forget he is yuvaraj, how dare you? You low life scratch, get last and never try to talk to the king again" she slapped again crying Rudra

Rudra got deep cut when he is crying Mrunalini came and checked his wound
"Can you endure the pain? I will apply for medicine and don't cry I don't like my Ranasa crying" she said with a smile and started to clean while blowing air, she applied some powder, he screamed in pain "ushhhhhh!!!!! Ranasa don't cry, only Rudra will cry, are you just Rudra? I am not your Ranisa?" she asked with so innocent face he feels hard at that very moment, "no never, you are always my Ranisa I will not cry apply it" he said determined she applied with tears flowing from her eyes
"Why are you crying?"
"I know it pains a lot I can't see you in pain Ranasa" she cried more
"Don't worry I will become king soon don't tell anyone ok don't cry" he held right while enduring the pain

Jai remembered it with a smile till today she called him Ranasa for the first time and he was smitten by her at that very moment while taking training Jai even learnt gamble tricks just for this moment, he wants to make Shourya a puppet and play very hard on the queen as he is only her weakness.

  Jai arranged this gambling game, his partner cum friend Krunal is best at gambling Jai called him to arrange this celebration, Krunal and Jai both had training with the same guru, they were always a team both coordination is like water and sand both sink perfectly, they can fool anyone with their disguise as both are of the same height and physic they wear same clothes when they want people to get confuse back  part of each are same so they make everyone fool.

Now, this used against Shourya, Jai want to think that it's the only one with who is he friends. Gambling started; Shourya and his friends from other kingdom came to participate, the first arrow shooting target is been played Shourya won, then horse riding completion held again Shourya won, his face brightened with pride then came food and wine along with some dancers

Shourya eye caught a girl, she is having great curves and a beautiful face his lusted doomed him with wine and drugs he used too. made it more dragging he walked to her held her hand she smirked and let her go away from him, "I am not that easy yuvaraj, to win me you have to win chowset"
"If I win you will be mine forever" he smirked
"If you lose you will never touch me"
"Deal then" Shourya agreed

Everything arranged Krunal too joined along with them Jai is sitting away watching them keenly,

Rules announced; every game will have three parts, who wins two times or more will be the winner, every time you play you will bet with money, land, villages, horses and jewellery, if anyone breaks the rules they will jail for three days and their land will be taken away forcefully if you agree then start to play the announcer announced all agreed stamped the rules with their stamps and started the game

Krunal and Shourya are playing, a man is helping them to place pawns on each side, girls are serving wine and some stuff to eat music is playing in the background, dancers are dancing.

First game Shourya won he smirked at the lady, then another game continued this time Krunal won, again started this time everyone started gathering bet is of the village, with each move dice are thrown everyone is curious Shourya is anxious, final round and Krunal got six and he wins the game. Shourya blood boiled seeing the dancer smirking.

"I will play again" Shourya shouted game again started with Krunal, same happened first game Shourya won but the last two Krunal wins, he again lost his village, Shourya played again same happened again Shourya lost a total of five villages as it is evening game ended Shourya returned with anger.

Krunal gave agreements of five villages to Jai, Jai hugged him right in brother hug, gave him money and an elephant and his favourite white horse as a gift, Krunal smirked: "he was a petty player even you would have made him lose why did you call me?"
"You will know soon"
"How is your plan going on? I heard you won Ratngarh why?"
"To get into eyes of the queen, and most importantly, he wants my Ranisa as concubine"
Krunal gasped "so you killed him?"
Jai smirked "Nah not that easy, he will die day by day," Jai said with anger.
"Why waste time go and ask her hand who will say no to you?" Krunal suggested
"I am going to just a small work I have if that works out then everything will be according to plan just one move I am waiting for?"
"What move?"
"I am waiting for someone to make move towards me"
"Don't say that Ranisa should take first move" Krunal made a face
"No never she is my Ranisa, she will be as dignified as a mountain I will bow down for her, there is a lady whose dignity should be crushed before approaching my Ranisa"
"I don't know you even want one more lady? Who is this lady?"
"Her sister" Jai gritted his teeth
"Nischala? Are you serious? You want her too? Why?"
"Wait and watch"
"Ranasa! Don't be a fool even if for revenge you marry her, you will hurt our Ranisa feelings and that will cause distance between you both which will make her in pain, and the things this lady does back of you are different"
"Will I let her touch my Ranisa? No, never about hurt her feelings I know but that lady is the main reason for all this, she was the one who made things worst, she is the one who is still torturing my Ranisa I can't leave her alone"
"Still I suggest stop doing this"
"Leave it, when is your baby coming?"
"Before the rainy season ends"
"Ok long wait I am eager to see baby"
"Don't ask me I am dying and my Ranisa she is so anxious kash if she is a daughter a beautiful daughter like my flower "he said with a broad smile
" God bless with your wish"
"Let us go and rest I will arrange for your return for an early morning"
"That is good let's us go" both reached Mahal

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