A warm moment

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Mrunalini is happy that Nischala visiting Jodhpur, she meeting Shourya and the queen can make her take a wise decision, that is the feeling Mrunalini have.

Mrunalini is busy today she had to visit a nearby village and provide some essentials to them, they had lost their cultivated products due to fire accident occurred last night. She took her saving some medicines and started her journey with Radha

"Bhaisa!!! When the king is sending force yuvaraj is going to meet them all still do we need to go?" Radha asked
"Yes we can help people more and we can give them medicines too, let us go don't nag"
"Bhaisa you should pamper yourself and concentrate on your queen training as you say if Maharaj Rudra is back then you are his Ranisa, you should look beautiful for him and he is Maharaj so queen behaviour is important so concentrate on that than roam like a man in the sun"

"Shut up, stop nagging and walk fast" she got irritated

"How dare she utter his name? He is a jerk how can he play with didisa? How can he still kiss me? He says he wants me as his ranisa and then he says he will marry didisa? If he marries her she will be his queen I will be again concubine just as my mother, with marriage just as his, will I accept that? Never, I will kill everything and everyone but I will never be a concubine" she said to herself

"Why is he denying he is Rudrannsh Singh Rathode in the first place? Why? I need to find out" she mentally noted it

After five days of staying at Ratangarh, Jai felt a hell tired, now he is near to his nation, but his mind drifted to his Ranisa what might she do? Does she too miss him? Does she think about me? Nahhhh she never thinks of me she always thinks about that crude sister of her, how lucky that Nischala is, if it was me she loves so much I would have conquered this world by now, Ranisa! You knew Nah you are most cruel to me I want to see you desperately

"Gaurd go home tell Masa that I will return in one sometime, " he ordered and turned his horse to go to Malwa. To see his Ranisa

Mrunalini is at the bank of a small pond, she is dead tired since the morning she is treating people, cleaning places which are burnt she even got burned her palm accidentally she didn't notice that wood is still hot, she touched it and got burnt, still she worked till evening, she just wants to sleep

She ordered Radha to look after things, she came to wash her face and hands which are full of dirt, she removed the cloth from her palm looked at it, it's almost black, she washed hand then washed her face

"I don't even want to go  home I just want to sleep here it's so peaceful, kash if I had anyone who can give a shoulder to me to put my head and sleep, this Radha bhi na..... Chod!" she felt disappointed

She always wants such small things in life, a helping hand when needed, a shoulder when tired, a person to hold on but she never got such things even when her mother was alive she was always busy doing things which queen ordered so that Mrunalini couldn't get into more troubles she never got time to pamper Mrunalini. She misses her mother more now.

She sat near the bank relaxed kept her feet in cool water and closed her eyes to relax.

Jai when entered Malwa he heard about fire accident, he frowned and came to see how bad it is, he felt sorry for people he helped people in cleaning, then found Radha doing chores, he frowned at uneasy he bit his lip and turned around, he didn't see his Ranisa, he felt relaxed

"Yuvaraj! Bhaisa is at the pond, she will relax a bit till then I will clean this and come along with her you can go"
"She already burnt her palm, didisa never listens to me, God know-how will her husband bears her after marriage, did you see her? She is drenched in dust and sweat, at home that Dayan harms her here she harms herself and as yuvaraj, I feel so helpless why can't she understand me? Radha I am telling you one day this achayi of her will make her regret and I don't want that, take care of her properly and give this to her, it's her money she needs to buy some girly things not to donate it to people I'm here to do that and dare if you don't convince her"  Natraj walked away angrily

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