Are you jealous?

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Jai went to jodhpur, he wants to see the condition of the kingdom, how people are living and how the coast of living in the capital? What are the problems people facing? What is the state of agriculture? He wants to own it again back,

After so many years he came to Jodhpur but he still remembers the streets of it as if he came just back yesterday how his guards used to bring him and make him an acquaintance with the capital, he says an old man selling some bangles he immediately felt to buy them for his Maharanisa he brought full shop, the old man blessed him saying that he sells them for a month, jai smiled and took them

When he saw everyone ganged up he with curiosity came to the group and found a soldier is beating a man for not paying tax everyone is feeling bad but no one is stopping, Jai urged to beat that soldier back but stopped himself and covered his face with turban cloth and shouted "injustice should be eradicated"
Listening to this some more people started, the soldier shouted to stop but Jai raised his tone He did so, within no time everyone started saying that which made the soldier stop and threaten everyone saying he will bring the general, he ran away.

Jai skipped from there before anyone noticed him, he walked to a secret way to Mahal, which is straight to kings room. When he reached it he found it-empty, he just checked the room and found his mother's favourite saree laying on the bed, he touched softly he got tears, he wiped them. He heard some sound he grabbed the saree and kept it inside his kameez and walked to the back of the pillar which is a corner not seen easily.

King came in, along with him his guard came
"You will find him quickly Vardhan, it's been years and you still say the same thing," he said in irritation
When Vardhan is about to talk he stopped
"This smell, it can't be did you smell this? Vardhan he is here, Rudra is here sometime back this smell, I gave him this attar, years back it's his favourite one, saree? Where is her saree? Did he take it? How can I live without it? Vardhan he came here and took it away, the last piece of her memory, " king collapsed
"Rajaji!!! Please be strong if he came means he is alive now we are sure one day we can find him"
"Yes Vardhan you send people everywhere I want him soon, I want to give him his rights and go to his mother soon"
"Don't say such words Rajasa you should see your grandchildren"
"Grandchildren how beautiful that thought alone is but am I that fortunate?" she smirked with sadness
"If Rudra is married by now and got kids I will be lucky, I will tell him to have so many children and don't be like me I am the worst father ever, who didn't see the sadness in his eyes I was so drowned in own sorrow and forgot to take care her heart, she always worried about him, I thought she is stupid but I was stupid always I deserve this punishment if I didn't find her book on that day in my study by accident I would have never believed Parvati is this cruel, just find him Vardhan soon our people are suffering from this, I am suffering"
"You relax Rajasa I will just send everyone now" he ran away

"Rudra! If you are here please believe I did grave mistake no-no sin don't forgive me but for my, Praja come and take your position as emperor I beg you" he said with tears and harose voice

Jai after some time returned from a secret way he sat on a tree branch and took his mother saree smelled it, he got tears he cried sometimes remembering how beautiful she looked in that saree, she was a beautiful lady, he got his looks from her, sharp features and height from his father,

He met with three people gave them some instructions and some things, he asked them about their whereabouts informed them about their family status, he gave them some safety measures after confirming everything he returned

Parvati is worried about her son, today one more mister got killed with the same sealed letter, he is also loyal to her, here her son is not waking up, she called from different countries vidyajis but no use

Queen:war and love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora