Making a move

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Jai Singh reached Mahal, he is so smitten by Mrunalini acts and words he looked himself in the mirror and said "you are handsome do you know Rudra and she called you Ranasa, her Ranasa, " he blushed

He removed the silk kerchief from his neck and touched it softly "now I have a special thing from you I will keep it safe with me always" he felt so emotional and intimated same time

When he is in his own Lalala land guard asked permission
"What do you want?" Jai asked irritatingly
"A lady came with a letter from Malwa she insisted to give it to only you"
Jai face became stiff, first tightened face hardened but same time smirk formed "its early than I expected" he said and asked to come in

"Pranam Rajaji! I came from Malwa, Rajkumari Nischala sent this letter to you she ordered me to give this to only you and bring me the reply." she explained everything formally
Jai took the letter, ordered the guard to arrange her food and essentials, he started reading it

He read and folded it took a hairpin from his nearby jewellery box and watched it, it is a hairpin, then he checked another box, which has a crown of his Ranisa, they are more than ten, he collected rare gems diamonds and new designs of crowns for her, but his hand reached to a beautiful peacock shaped hairpin he smiled "this will be my first gift for you, as it is my first thing I collected for you." he took a deep breath and closed the box.

"Give this to her, and say that I will be on time, " he gave the small box which has silver hairpin,  he gave some gold coins as a gift to the lady who brought the letter, he said to be safe and take good rest and go she nodded and took leave,

Jai felt uneasy and sad even depressed, he walked to a beautiful wing which is neatly maintained, he checked around, all medicinal plants are planted, some flowers, some creepers too, the garden is decorated neatly , then he walked pond area, there are ducks in the water, some rabbits running around pond, two peacocks which he brought specially from the forest, and few birds, he gave food to them, then reached the actual area, it is haram his Ranisa wing which has several rooms, entrance is a meeting room, for meeting concubines Sakhi servants workers dasi and all, then the main hall where she can play, do her favourite embroidery, next to a music and dance room for entertainment, then came a large room where all her necessities are placed dresses, jewellery, chappal, her beauty products accessories and all, next came a huge bath area with swimming area, dressing area and massage place,

Then came a huge bedroom which has a gold craved bed at one corner, a silver swing at one side and a huge chair with table and some other things for her comforts

Jai checked everything "everything is waiting for you Ranisa along with me for your glance," he said with deep thoughts

He places one more piece of jewellery in the box neatly, exclaimed, the letter of Nischala came to his mind, "how dare she give punishment to my Ranisa? And she mentions it to me? How dare she? Wait and watch how horrible your life will be in the future entering into my life and my mahal might be easy for you but life will not be easy for you in future but my ranisa will protect you, don't worry I will distract her to see you in living hell. Welcome to hell court lady" he smirked

Here at jodhpur, Shourya is sleeping with ladies, he is naked and under him is a young girl and on him is a lady and two more are feeding him and seducing him everyone is naked whole room is filled with sexual acts and sounds

But Shourya mind is occupied by the last at gambling her smirk and laugh when he lost, he never cares about women but it's the first time someone rejected him showing him his defeat, he is angry and frustrated, he took some wine and sent away everyone and dipped in his swimming area to cool his brain. He strongly decided to gamble again and again with her.

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