1. Random Attack

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On frequent occasions I have been asked about the day I was mugged and how it led to my life now.  I share this story in the belief that it may provide hope.

      For a number of years my life had been difficult but the most pressing problem at that fateful time was my career, or lack of.   I could only find work as a commercial artist on a temporary contract basis.  It was a struggle to earn enough to pay the bills.  With no benefits or job security I often found myself living in stranger's apartments on a sublet basis.  All I had to my name were my clothes, my computer and my art supplies.  On the plus side I had always managed to have a roof over my head. On the negative side I could be evicted with little notice when the owner returned from wherever they were.  There was also no air conditioning in my current residence.  Opening the windows and turning on a bunch of fans was a poor substitute.  On this particular hot humid late afternoon the heat had finally driven me from the confines of that stuffy apartment.  Grabbing a couple of shopping bags I decided to walk to the supermarket, an air-conditioned palace.  I slung the strap of my purse over my shoulder and set off.

     As I arrived I noticed the supermarket was packed with other heat suffering shoppers.  What normally would take me thirty minutes ended up taking over an hour but I didn't mind as it meant a longer stay in that cool oasis.  By the time I finished paying and walked out the door it was dark.

     Inwardly I groaned. During daylight hours the neighbourhood was a pleasant place to be. After dark was another matter as the night brought out different animals. Navigating through the usual drunks, would-be-lovers who wouldn't take no for an answer, or general assholes would be made even more difficult by carrying two packed grocery bags.  Fortunately on this night the mood was quite mellow and within minutes I could spot the steps to the apartment.

     Suddenly someone shoved me hard while grabbing the strap of my purse.  I dropped my groceries and began a desperate tug-of-war for possession of the purse.  The attacker started punching me and succeeded in breaking the purse strap.  Even though I was yelling for help throughout this ordeal no one came to my assistance.  I fell onto my backside, which winded me, then fell back even further.  My head hit the sidewalk and the attacker took off.  My head felt like the clapper in a giant bell.  A loud, deafening ring filled my ears and I started blacking out. I turned my head in time to see the attacker disappear into the dark. Then I passed out.

Love and the White Wolf - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now