31. Stargazing (Sexual content)

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Content warning:  Explicit multiple sex scenes, including mild BDSM.

Although we were released from the medical centre the very next morning both Bruce and Nick ordered rest for James and myself for a week. James had no work duties but was permitted to work out. He and Sam started working out with Simmons, who was stronger than he looked. When I collapsed in the hallway from the neurotoxin Simmons lifted me from the floor and carried me to the medical centre, a considerable feat for a self-professed skinny guy. We didn't start reading the HYDRA files but did take the boxes to the office that had been reserved for us.

Sex was okayed but we were advised to keep it low key as we were still recovering. I did bring up stargazing with James. He thought I meant actual looking at the stars so I shared what I had learned from Corporal Dixon. On one of our walks with Rowdy we checked out the hut. It was as Dixon described it. The wall closest to the the facility was intact and provided cover for anyone inside. The side walls were intact. There was no door but a large flag over the open doorway blocked the lights from illuminating the inside of the hut. A large nail provided a hook to hold the flag open indicating the hut was open. If the flag was not hooked back it meant the hut was in use. The best feature of the hut was the fourth wall. It had fallen down years before. The bricks from the wall had been stacked on the floor of the hut to make a raised platform roughly the size of a double bed. The valley below was visible. It was a spectacular view in the daytime. At night, with its south facing viewpoint it provided stunning views of the Milky Way. Couples would take a couple of sleeping bags, a couple of cushions, and maybe some liquor to have a romantic encounter under the stars. It was kept on the down-low, kept clean, and not abused. James liked it and went to town to pick up what we needed.

That Saturday afternoon James asked Sam to look after Rowdy while we went out to look at the night sky. Sam had thought it strange we were suddenly taking up astronomy and had pressed James for the truth. Upon learning the truth he was astounded that he had never heard of the hut before and it's stargazing use. James just smiled and told Sam he would let him how it went. He then advised Dixon we were going stargazing later and planned to be out all Saturday night. Dixon had smiled and assured James he would enjoy the view.

We walked past Dixon in the evening twilight carrying our self inflating mattress pads and sleeping bags. James had a backpack full of water, fruit, and protein bars. Dixon touched the brim of his helmet, then activated the comms for the sentries on duty.

"Heads up sentries. Sarge and his missus are stargazing all night, let's make sure no ambient light interferes with them."

As we walked to the hut in the deepening twilight, James asked if I was nervous. I had replied no, except I'd never slept under the open sky before. He had laughed saying he had done it lots of times, on the third dates, wartime, and occasionally as the Winter Soldier. He had stopped walking and looked at me lovingly.

"I think this time will be the most enjoyable because it's with you."

We pulled the flag closed and set up our bed for the night. Then we stood at the low wall overlooking the valley. The moon was just coming up in the east and while it was low on the horizon it appeared large and golden. It was already sending beams of moonlight into the shadows. It was still warm but as we slowly undressed in the open air I could feel a slight breeze touching my skin. We put our clothes in a plastic bag so the morning dew wouldn't make them damp. Then we faced each other and softly caressed before kissing. We crawled inside the two sleeping bags we had zipped together and kissed again.

"I almost forgot," said James reaching for his phone. "I found a new song today for my romantic play list. New for me, golden oldie for you. I think it's the perfect song to begin stargazing with."

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