29. Seeking Information (Violent content causing injury and death)

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In the small conference room were Nick Fury, Sam, Peter, Scott, Maria Hill, and Joaquin Torres (who was now The Falcon).  They were looking at images of the two men I had seen following me.  The images were from Interpol and identified one as a known Islamist terrorist from Chechnya, Aslanbek Khasan, also known as the Lion Master.  He was known to have participated in at least one hostage taking that ended bloody, and implicated in several more.  The other man was a former Israeli soldier, Aryeh Dan, kicked out of the army, then charged and found guilty for the rape and murder of two Israeli teenagers, which he tried to blame on a Palestinian youth.  He had escaped custody and was rumoured to be working as a mercenary.  It was noted that both men's first names meant "lion" in their respective languages.  The symbolism of sending two lions to stalk me was an indication of their plans for me.  I was prey, food for the lions.

There was more.  Both men had been spotted outside the building where we lived.  This information had been provided by Oeznik who had stayed to monitor these two individuals.  There was no indication the men knew we were gone.  The security team had placed surveillance cameras inside our apartment but there were no signs of forced entry.

"In light of the dangerous nature of these two individuals I think we should consider taking the fight to them," said Fury. "Who wants to go lion hunting?"

I didn't want him to go but I knew James would volunteer.  His stone face confirmed that he planned to be there.  Peter couldn't go as he was still wanted by the authorities.  So Sam, Scott, and Torres were assigned with Maria acting as supervisor at an HQ set up at the local military  base.  A squad of marines were to be made available as backup.  The men, once captured, would be interrogated at the base.  They would not be allowed anywhere near Avengers HQ. 

Wheels up was in three hours, they would land at the base two hours after liftoff.  Word was sent to Oeznik to rendezvous with the team at 04:00 to provide additional intel and assist in planning the capture. He responded affirmatively.  They would meet in the park where we often walked Rowdy.

There was nothing sexy about James changing into his work clothes this time.  The other missions objectives had been unknown to me before he left.  This time I knew exactly who he was going up against and I was terrified.  He packed his knives harness but he also packed his firearms harness.  For him to use a gun was a big deal.  I said nothing to him but I knew he could read the feelings on my face as easily as I could his.  When he finished he sat on the chair and patted his lap.  I sat on him and he curled me up in his arms.  We sat there not talking until it was time to go to the armoury, where I wasn't allowed.  He lifted my face to his and gazed softly into my eyes before kissing me gently on the lips.

"I'll be home soon, I promise," he whispered. "I love you so much."

He stood up still holding me before settling me gently on the chair.  Then he slung his go bag over his shoulder and walked out.  I burst into tears and cried on the bed for an hour.  I realized I had missed supper but I wasn't hungry.  Still, I had to have something.  Before I could call Simmons there was a knock on the door.  He was there holding a tray with a choice of sandwiches, a glass of skim milk and chocolate cake.  He carried it carefully in and put it on the table.

"Sarge said to look after you while he was on mission.  I wasn't sure what kind of sandwiches you like so I got you egg salad, turkey breast, and peanut butter and jelly.  He said you prefer skim milk and I figured most women like chocolate cake," he breathlessly said.

I could have kissed him but I knew that would likely embarrass and fluster him.  Instead I thanked him and picked up half of the egg salad sandwich.  It was delicious and I ate the second half.  He hadn't eaten yet so I invited him to pick a sandwich for himself and got him a bottle of juice from the fridge.  We ate in silence.  I ate half the chocolate cake and drank all of the milk.

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