2. here with you now

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[ pretend the picture is them talking to each other and that I had to edit out the omegle watermark and replace the Jordan photo. ssh don't tell anyone it's just little editing ]

I see your face in the crowd
But you don't seem so far away
The only thing between us is empty space
Empty space
Even when the music is loud
I'd rather be no other place than here with you now


Will leaned back in his chair, his hands folded over his mouth.

"J-Jordan." He slowly said, savoring each syllable.

"Yeah?" Jordan calmly responded. Will watched as he bit his lip, smirking ever so slightly at Will.

"You're not serious, are you?"

"If you count the minute you land in Seattle and I'm there ready to ask you out when I first see you, then yeah, I am serious."

Will felt like crying. Of happiness, of nervousness, of fear, whatever he was feeling, he felt like crying right there and then.

His best friend from across the world was pouring his feelings out to him.

"H-How long. . ." Will trailed off, lost in his thoughts.

"How long have I felt like this? I don't know. Maybe a few months or so. I can't remember."

"You're telling me this. . . now?"

"Why not? It's kind of pushing it, especially after you told me your, ah, incident with your girlfriend, I know, but I had to tell you at some point."

Should I maybe try this. . . for Jordan? Will pondered these things as he sat curled in his desk chair, staring happily at the male on his computer screen.

"Oh. Um. What do I do now?" Will asked, still shocked. He hugged his knees to his chest.

"Go finished getting packed, silly. I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." Jordan grinned and left the room, leaving Will behind.

Will shakily logged out of his TeamSpeak and ran a hand through his hair.

Jordan just told me his feelings.

Bayani just told me, Kiingtong, his feelings.

"My Jordan just told me how he felt." Will repeated those words over and over in his head, feeling giddier every time he thought of it.

Will hopped out of his chair and hugged himself, never happier to be leaving his home in his entire life. He stuffed everything into his suitcase and flopped onto his bed, scratching behind his dog's ears who was asleep, again, on his bed.

I'm not just going to Seattle to just go to PAX Prime to see my internet friends.

I'm going to Seattle to see my online friends, go to PAX Prime, and see Jordan.

"A whole extra 48 hours. . ." Will softly said, bewildered out of his mind. "Two full days."

"Will, are you packed and ready?" Will's mum opened the door and poked her head in like she did before.

"I'm more than ready. . ." Will rolled onto his side and smiled up at his mother, who beamed at her suddenly ecstatic son.

"I'm glad you are. Grab some sleep, darling, your dad is going to drive you down to the airport in a few hours." Will listened to the door softly shut and crawled under the sheets of his bed. He reached for his phone on his nightstand and opened his Twitter app.

Instantly, things began to flood his mentions. He scrolled through each one, sometimes going to a fan's Tweet and favoriting it or commenting on art. He smiled at each one as each fan made him even happier than he already was. Will felt the blood rush to his cheeks as he looked at a certain Tweet Jordan tagged him in.

Jordan @xBayani
@Kiinqtonq ready for you ;)

Will laughed under his breath as a picture of Jordan's refrigerator filled with endless amounts of food was attached to the Tweet.

Kiingtong @Kiinqtonq
@xBayani stop teasing me <3

Will shut off his phone before any fans could react to the messages. He smiled at his wall and gripped his sheets tightly, wishing time went faster.

Please, please, please hurry, time. I want to be in Seattle.

But actually, what if something goes wrong when I get there? What if I'm not what he expected? This is the first time he'll be fully meeting me, actually getting to hang out with me longer than just a day or two.

"Stop thinking like that Will, it'll be okay." Will burrowed deeper into his bed, tracing his finger lazily along the wall.

"Everything's going to be fine."

{ still mad at why the fight happened tbh.

oh well it's over anyways.

don't worry this story has a plot and direction ;)

these are just chapters leading up to it (:

thank you so much for reading!
I really appreciate it :)
leave some love for this if you'd like to ;)
- p.b.

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