9. don't forget

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[ ;-; ily pls don't be mad]

The higher you go, don't forget which ground you stand on.
The unknown seduces you, because it lies untouched.


Everyday was something new.

One week, Jordan would absolutely love him. He would occasionally send flirty tweets and express his admiration for Will.

But the next day, he would be ice cold and isolated from Will. Will never could grab his attention when Jordan was like this.

And somehow, by some miracle, Will was able to find Jordan's softer side. He always had one, but it was like he masked it when he changed how he looked.

The idea of the tattoos didn't exactly make Will happy, but Will couldn't say anything. Jordan was like Will's self destruct button.

Still, Jordan was as cuddly and cute as he was months ago at PAX Prime. He still had the same laugh and the witty jokes, but he just looked different.

"I miss your old look." Will once said.

"Well, fuck you. It's my life." Jordan then replied.

Will noticed Jordan was sensitive about his face or his body. He remembered Jordan telling him how unhappy he was before starting YouTube. Then, like some crazy magic, he was all about spreading positivity. And Will supported that.

Still, even after seven months, Jordan and Will were uneasy with each other. Before, at Prime when everything was great, Jordan and Will had to be careful about where they stood when the camera was on them.

In vlogs, they had to avoid holding hands or standing too close to each other. Will felt secure when he was around Jordan, and God, was it hard to stay even centimeters away from him.

But PAX East was rolling around the corner any time soon, and Will was relieved that he didn't have to worry about his relationship with Jordan.

He didn't have to stress about when the right time would roll around for him to even glance at Jordan. It always seemed that someone was recording, and this time, Will would be one of them.

It made Will awfully sad whenever pictures from South popped into his Twitter feed. He hated not being able to go every convention like some of the Cube members, but he wasn't a bank pouring with money. Reality isn't the Cube server.

So, Will promised to make the most out of East. He wanted everything to be perfect down to the pairing of colors of his clothes. He didn't want some boy chasing after him or the pressure of a recording camera breathing down his neck. He wanted a memorable time with his friends. Oh, and the actual people on the server attending the event.

Will nodded his head to the pounding bass of a song, tapping his foot along with the electronic beats.

He was occupied with searching and browsing through famous attractions in Boston rather than pre-recording videos for his channel. He'd just upload the vlogs he shot when he was there, right? Simple enough.

Will smiled when a notification from the Cube Skype group popped up in the bottom of his monitor's screen. He launched Skype and checked what Dakota was updating them about. Will hadn't been on the actual server in ages.

He grinned as Dakota's messily typed message loaded in.

"have funat east loserss lol jk ilove you all."

"ill be thinking bout u everyday bby." Will replied, amused. He hated using improper grammar, but what was the harm?

Will calmly resumed his Spotify playlist and began to load in a website when his TeamSpeak went off.

Did he leave it logged on?

"User joined your channel."

"Will, I really, really need to talk to you."

"God, what do you want know, Jordan?" Will signed, rolling his eyes. "Are you an Elsa or Anna today?"

"What? Mind you, this is serious. At East, I kind of need to be with you."

"Be with me as in hang around me all the time? Last time that happened it didn't go so well."

"No, like I-I have something to prove."


Will raised an eyebrow as Jordan's voice lowered.

"Yeah, just. . . just speak to me first thing you arrive in Boston." Jordan urgently whispered like he was sharing school gossip at a slumber party.

"User left your channel."

Will groaned, resting his head in his hands again.

Everything was just so difficult and confusing. Why couldn't he have a normal life where he enjoyed playing games? This wouldn't never have happened if Will hadn't began his channel.


[ sucky but wait for it okay next chapter is gonna be good and so is the next for all you dirty minded people... ;)

And I apologize so, so, so much for not updating. There's a lot of end-of-the-year stuff going on and I'm typing this really late at night because I'm too nervous for tomorrow morning when I get my chair order in band ;-;

And StrauberryJam just went live on Twitch, ladies and gentlemen.

thank you so much for reading!
I really appreciate it :)
leave some love for this if you'd like to ;)
- p.b.

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