4. fumes

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[ sorta monstercat?? ]


If all we have is time then we'll be alright
It's not much but it's better than nothing
We're running on fumes but we'll make it through the night
It's not love but it's better than dreaming


Will pushed through the crowds of groaning people and whining kids. He dragged his backpack behind him and broke into a run for the baggage claim.

But Jordan.

People dressed in outfits suited for lawyers began to shout at Will, covering one end of their phone with their hand. Will dismissed them, gasping for breath.

His phone began to vibrate with Twitter notifications in his pocket as he rushed for baggage claim.

StrauberryJam @StrauberryJam

Father @PrivateFearless
*vine link*

Bee @HeyImBeeYT

Grapeapplesauce @Grapeapplesauce

Jordan @xBayani
@Kiinqtonq will i c u.

Will locked his phone and looked around, his heartbeat speeding up.

Jordan @xBayani
@Kiinqtonq you look nice

Will grunted in frustration, seeing that the blonde haired boy wasn't around.

Kiingtong @Kiinqtonq
@xBayani ye I know but where are you.

Jordan @xBayani
@Kiinqtonq where do you want me to be?

Right here you little piece of shit.

Will stood leaned against the wall, people darting around and past him. Jordan still hadn't shown up, and Will didn't want to bother with calling a taxi and finding out Jordan's address.

"Sir, you look lost."

"That's because I-" Will sharply turned his head to reply sourly to whoever had spoken to him, but he groaned once he saw who it was. "Oh, it's just you."

Jordan smiled crookedly. "I can leave if you're looking for someone else."

"No, no. We'll be spending a while together so might as well get used to you." Will winked, hugging his body. Jordan giggled and pointed at the conveyer belt that brought out all the baggage.

"Found yours yet?"

Will shook his head. "No. Sort of afraid they lost it."

Jordan waltzed up to the horde of people still patiently waiting for their own bags. Seconds later, Jordan had skipped back with Will's red bag hanging on his arm.

"Here. I'm guessing it's yours."

"What if it wasn't mine?"

"Then someone is going naked today." Will stifled a chuckle, taking the bag's strap from Jordan and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Are you hungry, Babe-tong?" Jordan adjusted the backpack on his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at the slightly taller boy.

"Don't call me that, but I am a little starved from the flight." Will blushed. Jordan and Will shuffled mindlessly through the airport until they reached the outside world where Will squinted from the bright sunlight.

"Not used to it, are you?"

"Barely." Will whispered, taking his hat off.

"Well, Cutie-tong, let's head back, so I can cook you food."

"You don't have to cook, Jordan. We can just get something from around here." Will shrugged off a jacket he had pulled on during the flight.

"No. I'm trying to watch what I eat. Let's just make sandwiches together." Jordan muttered, picking his pace up as he walked down the busy and bustling sidewalks. Will had to practically sprint to catch up.

Before long, they'd reached downtown Seattle where Jordan's apartment was. Jordan took Will's bag and climbed a set of stairs to Jordan's floor.

"Are you home, bro?" Jordan called out after spending five minutes trying to unlock his door. Silence responded. "I guess not. Make yourself at home, Adorable-Tong."

Will bit his lip and looked away from Jordan who tossed his keys onto the kitchen counter.

"My room is down this hall and to the left. Basically if you see a room with a bunch of wires and stuff, that's mine. My brother has the one adjacent to mine."

Will nodded and lugged his bags to Jordan's room. He set them down on the carpeted floor and looked around, finally seeing everything in person.

He finally got to see Jordan's setup, and God, was it messy. Will smiled at the flag hanging against the white, bare wall and the small bed with unmade sheets thrown everywhere.

It's cute and small like him.

"Will, I've got bread set out. Let's go crazy." Jordan screamed from the main room.

"Coming!" Will yelled back, slipping off his Vans and dropping off anything he had in his pockets onto Jordan's bed.

Will silently ran down the hallway and into the open kitchen where Jordan had his back turned, fixing plates of condiments and meat.

Will stealthily wrapped his arms around Jordan's waist, smiling into his hair.

"xBaeyani." Will whispered, resting his chin on Jordan's shoulder.

"Hey, that's my thing." Jordan murmured, turning around to face Will. Jordan balanced on the tips of his toes and leaned his forehead against Jordan's.

"So? Now, where's this crazy bread you called me in for."

"We can worry about that later." Jordan reached up and ran his hand through Will's still messy hair.

"Shouldn't I shower first?"


"Because I'm absolutely disgusting, Jordan. I woke up late this morning and didn't get the chance to shower like I always do." Will trailed his finger up and down the small of Jordan's back.

"Fine. Only if I get to join you." Jordan smiled, winking one of his shocking green eyes.

Will let go of Jordan and proceeded to the bathroom. "You wish."

"Do you even know where the bathroom is?" Jordan called after Will. Will could practically hear the laughter in Jordan's voice.

"Nope." Will yelled back, carelessly swinging his arms back and forth.


[ huehue.

Okay, guys, serious question.

I just watched If I Stay and I am very emotional wtf.

So I'm going to write a spinoff of the movie, but which ship do I use?

I've been really wanting to write a Straubee fanfiction, but I can do another ship like PBomb or Kiani.

You guys choose (:

It'll be sad either way so haha.

thank you so much for reading!
I really appreciate it :)
leave some love for this if you'd like to ;)
- p.b.

{ ps kim by eminem is weird what }

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