/:/Chapter 2/:/

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Walking through the stuffy forest, brushing branches and bushes out of the way, the two sisters were now carrying on their travel to a village as fast as possible

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Walking through the stuffy forest, brushing branches and bushes out of the way, the two sisters were now carrying on their travel to a village as fast as possible. They were now crossing a stream that seemed to be used quiet often. Meaning it's used plenty of times and their are people nearby.

"Takeo.. I'm hungry..." Momaru muttered, her stomach growling lavishly. Her steps have become more jumpy as the days past. Ever since that night, the girls were a lot more protective of the other. Looking around for any stray threat, both keeping practice with their Senken-ai.

"Aight, let's stop here for a bit..." Takeo hummed, already taking out a kunai from the bag, tossing it to Momaru and then pulling out a second.

"Ready to go training?" Takeo raised a brow while smiling.

"YUP!" Momaru giggled before running off into the waters they had crossed earlier.

Placing down their bag next to a rock, she trotted over to where her little sister stood. Her blue eyes, transitioning into a light blue before it started to slowly shade to a dark navy. Her irises paling with white with swirls around them. Before Takeo could react, she had struck down into the water and pulled out a flailing fish on the tip of her kunai.

"Nee-san! I GOT ONE!" Momaru shouted excitedly.

"Good job. Go ahead and start making a pile to clean them. I'll go and start the fire.." Takeo rubbed the little girl's head softly, before making her way to the bag. Pulling out the necessities, she glanced at the scrolls that were safely strapped to the side pocket. She gazed at the light blood stains that painted the edges slightly, remembering the time her father gave it to them urgently.

"Stupid Papa.." She muttered annoyed, grabbing the flint and a munch of stones. Making her way to a spread out spot, she started to make a small fire, grouping the sticks together, and scraping the flint and stone together to start it up.

A sudden squawk of birds flew out the forest beside them, taking the moment to watch them fly the opposite way of the forest, something in her gut didn't like how they were startled. A

Almost like they were running from something.

"Momaru..." Takeo whispered softly, her head snapped towards the forest as she instantly activated her Senken-ai, her blue eyes shifting to a dark navy.

A faded out sight crossed over her eyes as she saw cloaked men walk irritated out and look around the area, as if they were looking for something. They were the same cloaked men who attacked their village.

The vision disappeared just as it came. A bubble of panic rose in Takeo's throat as she was getting worried, not kowing when they'll come.

"Momaru..!" She called out louder and more nervous. The tone she used, made Momaru perk up and looked alert as she came sprinting over to her older sister, not even questioning why.

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