/:/Chapter 12/:/

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Walking next to Guy, Takeo was currently sweating bullets

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Walking next to Guy, Takeo was currently sweating bullets.

Sure she had convinced Guy about the sleepover, even if it was one of her random whims, he still thought it was very kind and youthful of her, whatever that means...

She glanced up at Guy as he held a firm and careful look, almost as if they weren't totally just about to walk into one of the most respectful clan's in the Leaf. One of which have their own Kekkei Genkai.

The Byakugan.

She heard it's one of the four great Dojustu's in history. Of course she would be nervous.

She reached her hand out to Guy, who glanced down at her with a smile. He held his hand out, and Takeo gladly took hold of it. Guy let out a cheery, satisfied hum as they continued down the street to the Hyuga Estate.

"Guy..? Just a quick question.." Takeo spoke up after a bit.

He tilted his head down, "Hm?"

"Am I doing the talking or... Um...." She looked down at her sandals worriedly.

Guy finally caught on and let out a hearty laugh, "Oh no no no! You don't have to talk in the adult conversation. You can go find the little Hyuga Princess and have a nice time. Leave the talking to your guardian." He pointed a thumb at himself and winked with a bright grin.

Takeo smiled at his odd gesture and gave him a laugh of her own, "Ya, that sounds like a good plan.."


There they stood in front of a double door gate. On top of the gate read a wooden sign with bold words.

'Head Hyuga Estate'

Takeo let herself gulp, as two people, who she assumed were part of the Hyuga family, started leading them inside. Takeo had taken off her sandals quickly as to not seem rude when walking in the hallways. She trudged lightly and closely to Guy as they walked into a room full of Hyuga's.

"Oh boy..." Takeo muttered to herself, as she scanned around the room to see Hinata sitting next to a stern looking man.

'Must be her father.'

She continued looking and spotted a younger girl next to Hinata. Her hair drifting in front of her eyes, a bit on the brown side than Hinata's.

'Also betting that's a younger sister.'

Takeo frowned as she spotted Hinata steal quick worried glances her way. Taking in her worried gestures, Takeo tugged on Guy's vest, to motion him down.

Guy kneeled down to her height and leaned an ear for her. Takeo snickered a bit and then leaned in to whisper to him, "Do you think you can get Hinata out of that awkward position so we can go and have fun..?"

Guy glanced towards Hinata and frowned upon realizing how uncomfortable she looked. He gave Takeo a thumbs up and stood back up.

As Guy was wording Takeo's request and adding in something about 'measures of safety placed on the child', Takeo herself was waving slightly at Hinata, in which made the latter's face brighten visibly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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