/:/Chapter 8/:/

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Sitting in class, Takeo was currently dozing off

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Sitting in class, Takeo was currently dozing off. But a sudden hit in the back of her head made her awaken a bit cranky. Slowly turning around, she saw Shikamaru and Choji snickering in the back of the class. She had a irritated grin dance across her face at this.

She leaned down and picked the paper ball up and opened it up to see what it read.

'If you don't keep awake then Iruka Sensei is gonna get pissed.'

This only irritated Takeo more. She opened the paper ball up and wrote down a angry little note stating that he should shut his trap up before she gets pissed instead. Glancing back, she yeeted the paper ball at Shikamaru, nailing him square in the face. He fell back in his seat upon impact.

Multiple kids snickered at the scene unfold, including Naruto who was holding back his laughter. But sooner he got nailed in the face as well.

"Ow..." Naruto hissed as he covered his nose.

Takeo tore a piece of paper from her journal and started tossing more paper balls at Shikamaru. Choji later joined in and tried to throw one at Naruto, but Takeo caught it in time with a scary look. She held four paper balls in each hand.

"I declare war!" She shouted, gaining her multiple looks from her classmates, some confused while others were getting hyped.

She did a cartwheel in the air, landing on another student's desk, while Choji and Shikamaru lifted their desk up to provide cover.

"Takeo! Catch!" Naruto tossed her some more paper ammo.

The class watched in awe and laughter at what they were watching. Some joining in and choosing sides.

It was a full on paper ball war.

Right now Iruka Sensei was out talking to some other teacher about some paper work for later so he couldn't look at the onslaught of wasting paper.

At the moment Choji and Shikamaru's team were continuously firing at them from all sides, having her and Naruto's team hide behind some make shift tables to cover themselves.

"Naruto! I need a distraction!" Takeo turned to her friend while grabbing hold of a paper ball that was aimed at her.

"Got it!" He nodded in determination, getting up and thinking of something.

Takeo turned to Hinata who decided to join their side, "Hinata, Imma be going full on attack, I need you to cover me!"

"O-okay!" She smiled faintly at being trusted with such a task.

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