Go on a date with me!

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The next day...

Lefou slowly opened his eyes after a long night of restless sleep. His head was pounding and the circles grew dark under his eyes. 

'Fabulous, 2 weeks straight of this bullshit,' Lefou thought and rubbed his eyes. Lefou hadn't been able to have a good night's rest since the town stormed Beast's castle. Lefou slowly pulled back the blankets and made his way to the kitchen. As Lefou started to prepare breakfast, he couldn't help but notice a small note left on the wooden table.

'Good morning my friend, went hunting. I shall return this evening. Hopefully I am able to bring a delicious duck for dinner!'Yours truly, Gaston.'

Lefou sighed lightly, secretly wishing that Gaston would be able to spend the day with him. 

'I'll admit, it is sweet of him to consider dinner...for us,' Lefou told himself with a slight smile. 

Just then, Lefou heard a knock at the front door. 

"Coming!" Lefou exclaimed as he peaked through the peep hole to see Stanley. Lefou was surprised to see the lengthy man at his door. The two have only had brief, insignificant encounters before their dance at Beast's castle. Lefou opened the door with a friendly smile. 

"Hi Stanley, what a surprise! How are you?", Lefou asked. 

Stanley shuffled his feet and chuckled under his breath. "I'm quite well, thank you for asking. How are you Lefou?"

"Ah, fine! A bit tired but I can't complain," Lefou let out an uncomfortable laugh as he scratched the back of his neck. "So...what brings you around to my humble home?" he asked.

Stanley's cheeks became bright pink as he fidgeted with his hands. 

"I know I might be overstepping here, and if I am please be honest with me! But uhm...I want to be honest too! I think honesty is important...I uh..I am not making much sense," Stanley ran his fingers through his thick brown hair and took a deep breath. Lefou tilted his head in confusion but allowed Stanley to gather his thoughts. 

"Go on a date with me!" Stanley blurted out and clenched his fists. Lefou's eyes widened and his cheeks blushed lightly. "P-please.." Stanley whispered and looked down at the ground. 

Lefou cleared is throat and bit his lip. Sure he was flattered that Stanley wants to take him out on a date, seeing he'd never been on one, but part of him wanted to say no. Stanley was a fine looking man with a strong jawline and captivating eyes, but he was quite shy. 

Without really thinking Lefou responded with a, "uhm y-yeah sure I'll gladly accompany you on a date," he looked off to the corner of the room, where Gaston's chair stood. 

"G-great! I will come by 10 past 6 to escort you!" Stanley exclaimed cheerfully and planted a kiss on Lefou's cheek. "See you later handsome," he whispered. 

Lefou blushed and watched as Stanley walked away. 

"What have I gotten myself into...?" 

To be continued...

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