A toast to simpler times

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Gaston and Lefou made their way back to the village and walked to their town's local tavern. Gaston took a seat in his favorite red chair and ordered a tall beer from the bartender. The bartender, Dick, winked at Gaston in response. 

"You got it Gaston," he chuckled as Lefou's face became sour. Lefou sarcastically smiled at his Dick and ordered a beer as well. 

"Is something wrong Lefou?" Gaston asked, noticing that Lefou didn't look happy. 

Lefou chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. "I-i'm fine! Just tired is all," he said and stretched his arms. Gaston nodded as Dick handed the pair their beers. 

"Its been interesting last couple days we've had, huh Lefou?", Gaston chuckled and took a sip of his beer.

"Indeed it has. Interesting would be an understatement!" Lefou exclaimed and held his beer up to Gaston's. 

"Shall we toast to more simpler times?" Lefou asked with a hopeful smile.

Gaston smiled back and nodded in agreement. "I shall definitely toast to that," he said as he drank his beer. 

{Later that night...}

Lefou hiccuped as he took the last sip from his 6th beer glass. The little man was very drunk, easily, because of his size. He slammed the empty beer glass into the table beside him and looked to Gaston. The larger man had drank 10 beers already and was drunk as well. 

"H-hey Gaston *hiccup* I think I had *hiccup* too much to drink!"Lefou laughed and leaned against Gaston. 

"My friend, there is no such thing as too much to d-drink!" Gaston placed his hand on Lefou's back.

Lefou stood up, stumbling into the table. "W-e we need to gooooo party!!" he exclaimed happily as Gaston excitedly stood to his feet. 

"Agreed! I nearly escaped death, this is worth celebrating," Gaston agreed and took Lefou's hand. Lefou blushed lightly and nodded.

The two left the tavern and looked around town square, noticing how many people were out, celebrating the curse being lifted. People were dressed in beautiful costumes with drinks in their hands, laughing with each other, and enjoying the music being played. This brought a smile to Lefou's face. He leaned against Gaston and sighed happily. Gaston looked down to the smaller man and cleared his throat. 

"L-lets go grab a drink!" Gaston said and led Lefou over to a stand that was selling beer. The two grabbed their drinks and started swinging to the music. 

Several hours passed and the two were belligerently drunk at this point. Lefou could barely stand on his own and Gaston wasn't much better. 

"W-where is homeeee..?" Lefou said sloppily and looked around in confusion.

"Right there!!" Gaston pointed towards their cabin and the end of the road. Lefou groaned and laid down on the gravel. 

"Nooo...I am not going. Sleeping here," Lefou mumbled and Gaston rolled his eyes. Gaston leaned down and picked Lefou up off the ground.

"I will not let the person I care most about sleep on the ground," Gaston said in a quiet voice, but enough for Lefou to hear. 

'Person he cares most about..?' Lefou thought to himself and smiled slightly.

Gaston and Lefou finally made it back home. Lefou walked up the stairs slowly while Gaston locked up the house. Gaston assumed that Lefou had gone up to his own room for the night. Gaston made his way to his room and noticed that Lefou was fast asleep in his bed. Gaston bit his lip, deciding if he should move him. Before he knew it, Gaston was in bed with Lefou. Gaston sighed and looked over at Lefou. 

'How is this possible? How could I love him so much? How could I love anyone so much? How?', Gaston thought and closed his eyes, trying to erase his thoughts. 

As Gaston drifted off to sleep, he felt an arm wrap around his waist. Lefou snored quietly as he snuggled up against Gaston's back. Gaston couldn't help but smile when Lefou's warm body grew closer to him. Gaston looked at the brightness of the moon as he felt his eyes become heavy. Eventually the two fell fast asleep, peacefully in their own world. 

{Continued in Chapter 3...} 

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