Boyfriends, huh?

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1 week later...

Gaston slowly opened his eyes following another restless night since the attack. Gaston had found out that Adam and Belle had arrived on the scene shortly after he was shot. Apparently Adam was able to get the gun away from Stanley and knock him unconscious. Stanley was soon taken to the town's jail and was sentenced to life in prison. 

"Fuck that hurts," Gaston mumbled to himself as he sat up in bed, clutching at his upper abdomen. Gaston looked down at his still healing wound. It was still quite swollen and bruised from the gun shot. Luckily, the doctor was able to remove the bullet from his body. Gaston took a swig of water with his prescribed pain medication. Gaston looked over at the side of the bed where Lefou had once slept. After the shooting, Lefou went into shock. After he came out of the shock he was barely able to look at Gaston, feeling partially responsible for what had happened. Lefou had holed himself up in the guest bedroom for the past week, only coming out to use the bathroom and the occasional glass of water. Belle had tried to reason and console Lefou but it felt helpless. 


'This is all my fault. If I would have just told Gaston how I felt a long time ago I would have never met Stanley and never would have gone on a date with him. I am the reason he almost died. I am dangerous. I don't deserve to look at him.'


Gaston stood up slowly and walked over to the guest room door. He knocked on the door and waited several moments for a response. He heard rustling through the door so he knew Lefou was awake. 

"Lefou, please open the door. We can't keep living like this," Gaston sighed. More silence.  "Okay that's it, I am coming in," Gaston said sternly and opened the door. 

Lefou sat on the bed quietly staring at his hands. He didn't raise his head and didn't make a sound. Gaston noted that Lefou looked thinner and exhausted. Dark circles surrounded his once vibrant eyes. 

"Oh Lefou, you look sickly," Gaston whispered and approached him. Lefou suddenly backed away from Gaston and went into the corner of the room. 

"S-stay away from me. I don't want to hurt you anymore," Lefou finally spoke. 

Gaston tilted his head in confusion and continued to slowly approach Lefou. "Lefou what are you talking about? You could never hurt me. Stanley was the one who attacked me. You had nothing to do with this," he calmed said. 

Lefou shook his head with tears running down his face. "No you are wrong. If I would have never led him on none of this would have happened."

"You can't possibly blame yourself for this. Did you put the gun in his hand? No. Did you plant the idea in his head to kill me? No. Did you say "please kill Gaston for me so we can live happily ever after? No, no, no!" Gaston slammed his hand on the nightstand. "So enough of this self deprecating bullshit because it just isn't true and that is a goddamn fact!"

Lefou sniffled lightly and looked at Gaston for the first time. "I-I'm sorry Gaston. I am getting you all upset when you should be healing." 

"Tsk, stop apologizing for things you don't need to be sorry for," Gaston sat on the bed near Lefou, holding his stomach. "Can we both agree that you don't have control over Stanley's actions and what he did was 100% his will?"

Lefou thought for a moment and nodded shyly. "Yes. I do need to apologize for being holed up in here for the past week. I should have been there for you, taking care of you. Instead I was being selfish. Thank you for snapping me out of it and saving me...again," he added. 

Gaston placed his hand on top of Lefou's head. "I get it. We were both going through a difficult time in different ways. We can lean on each other and don't have to suffer alone," he whispered. "I love you and I will always protect you." 

Lefou blushed and hid his face in his hands. "Ugh, you are always making me blush like a fool," he chucked. 

Gaston pulled Lefou's hands off his face and placed a soft touch to his cheek, making him look up towards him. "It's my job as your boyfriend," he winked. 

Lefou smiled gently at Gaston. "Boyfriends, huh?" 


To be continued in Chapter 18

This love was never supposed to happenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang