We Kissed

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'I want to go home'


Lefou burst though the door to find Gaston peacefully sleeping in his chair, the fire starting to go out. Lefou slid down against the back of the door and let out a sigh.  Gaston slowly opened his eyes and saw Lefou at the doorway. Lefou appeared tired and distressed. 

"Lefou?" Gaston whispered and stood up to sit next to him. Lefou slightly smiled and tucked his knees towards his chest. 

"Hey Gaston. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," Lefou looked towards Gaston. Gaston gave him a reassuring smile and a pat on the back.

"Ah don't apologize. I was practically already awake. How was the date?" Gaston asked curiously. 

Lefou chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Well, it could have been better. We sorta-a..." he paused, thinking if he should tell Gaston the truth of what happened that evening. 

"You sorta what? You can tell me anything you know?" Gaston encouraged. Lefou met Gaston's eyes and blushed. 

"We kissed." 

The pair sat in silence for what felt like hours. Gaston didn't how know how to respond. Was he happy? Sad? Pissed? Gaston noticeably clenched his fists as his mind raced. 'They fucking kissed? What else did they do? Did they do more? Why did he tell me this? Why am I so upset. Well of course I love him. Fuck. Get over it Gaston! He obviously doesn't see you the way you see him. Say something before he gets suspicious. You can't lose the most important thing in your life,' Gaston thought as he finally faced Lefou. 

"W-why thats amazing Lefou! I am..so..happy..for..you" Gaston muttered and tried his best to smile. Lefou lifted an eyebrow, confused by the way Gaston was acting. 

"Well you don't need to be. The kiss was awful. Felt like I was kissing a wet caterpillar" Lefou made a fake gaging noise. 

Gaston let out a sigh of relief and laughed. "Oh that sounds delightful!" Lefou laughed with Gaston and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"You know what else? He called me his fucking flower, on the first date!" Lefou exclaimed. Gaston made a disgusted look and rolled his eyes. 

"He doesn't deserve you Lefou. You are obviously too good for him," Gaston added. "The man is weird". Lefou nodded in agreement and dropped his hand from Gaston's shoulder. 

"You know what he also said? He accused me of wanting to kiss you instead of him! I mean- isn't that ridiculous?" Lefou laughed but quickly stopped when he saw the look on Gaston's face. Gaston looked directly at Lefou, his cheeks a bright crimson. Lefou quickly turned away and stood up, chuckling to himself. Before Lefou could walk away, Gaston reached out for Lefou's hand. 

"I wonder why Stanley would imply that you wanted to kiss me instead," Gaston wondered while he held Lefou's hand. 

"Jeez Gaston why are you acting so weird? What's gotten into you?" Lefou's cheeks burned and he could feel his throat becoming dry. Gaston rose from the floor, Lefou's back still towards him. 

"Lefou, I've been meaning to tell you something. I have to be honest with you and myself or I fear I'll drive myself mad," Gaston could feel Lefou's hand tense up. 

Lefou cleared his throat. "Y-yes Gaston? What is it?"


Suddenly, there was an aggressive knock at the front door. 'You have got to be kidding me,' Gaston thought as he angrily let go of Lefou's hand and approached the door.

"Someone better be dying-" Gaston scowled as he saw Stanley on the porch. "What do you want? Weren't you just with Lefou-," Before he could finish his sentence, Stanley walked past Gaston and into their home. 

"Lefou! I just couldn't wait to see you again!" Stanley happily exclaimed and forced Lefou into an embrace. 

'Oh hell no,' Gaston thought as he aggressively grabbed Stanley by the shirt and slammed him against the wall, causing a wall painting to crash down.

"Don't you dare walk into our home without permission," Gaston said very sternly as his eyes beamed with anger. 

"H-hey Gaston no need to be rash-", Lefou attempted to speak up and get in the middle of the two. 

"And don't you dare touch Lefou without his permission,"  Gaston had never been so angry in his life. He felt like he had no control over his body. All he felt was rage. Stanley gulped as sweat dripped down his face. "J-Jesus Gaston, I was just giving my boyfriend-". Gaston couldn't take it anymore. His anger had consumed him as he threw Stanley out of the cottage. Stanley yelled out in pain as he tumbled down the concrete steps. 

"I swear to god if you show your face to me again I will have no problem adding you to my collection of animals on my walls!" Gaston screamed as he slammed the door. Lefou stood in shock, trying to process what had just happened. 

"What is wrong with you?" Lefou asked noticeably pissed off, lifting his arms into the air. 

"Pfft, I was simply taking the trash out. I mean he walks in here like he owns the place, touches you like he owns you, and has the audacity to call you HIS boyfriend?!" Gaston frustratingly cracked open a beer. 

"This situation was between me and him, not you! You shouldn't have gotten involved. It's not like you are my boyfriend either!" Lefou shouted from across the room.    

"Well maybe I should be!" Gaston quickly turned his back towards Lefou after realizing what he had said. 'Gaston you moron!', he thought to himself.

Lefou's eyes widened as the words escaped Gaston's mouth. 

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"


To Be Continued in Chapter 8...

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