A Stupid, Illogical, Fantasy

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Later that evening...

Gaston approached his cottage after a long day of hunting. Gaston had been avoiding going home since the awkward encounter with Lefou that morning. Gaston contemplating going inside but decided that he couldn't be a coward any longer. 

'Gaston you faced over a thousand men trying to kill you in the war and you can't face your best friend? Ridiculous,' he thought as he walked into the cottage. Lefou was on the couch when Gaston arrived, practicing his reading skills. 

"Hey Gaston! Welcome back. How was hunting?" Lefou asked with a smile. "Ah, it was alright my friend! I was able to shoot down a couple birds so we can cook those up for dinner," Gaston chuckled and placed the dead birds on the kitchen table. Lefou made a slightly disgusted face as he stood from the couch. "Well I am sure they will be delicious but before we prepare dinner, we need to talk," Lefou said sternly. 

"Lefou, I am not used to you being so serious! Haha! Loosen up will ya?" Gaston said as he gave a light pat to Lefou's back. Lefou sighed and looked at Gaston. "About this morning, I know you weren't being completely honest with me. I've known you for almost 10 years now and what you are is a horrible liar," Lefou started. Gaston sighed and looked away. "You know me too well," he chuckled. 

Lefou grabbed onto Gaston's arm. "Please Gaston, just tell me the truth about yesterday," he asked in a soft tone. Gaston blushed lightly and looked up at the ceiling. "Eh, if you insist I shall tell you the truth," he peaked at Lefou before darting his eyes back towards the ceiling.

"You might of, uh, well...might have told me that you you.. um.." Gaston struggled to get the words out. He really did not want to ruin their friendship, but he knew Lefou saw right through his lies. "love me.." he uttered in a quiet voice. Lefou raised a brow. "I what? Sorry, I can barely hear you," Lefou placed a hand to his ear. Gaston looked directly into Lefou's brown eyes. "You told me yesterday that you loved me. As in, are in love with me," Gaston blurted out. 

Lefou's face turned beet red as he let go of Gaston's arm. "W-wow I said that huh?" Lefou stuttered after a few moments of silence. "You did," Gaston confirmed. Lefou sighed lightly and looked outside through the window. "Walk with me," Lefou ushered Gaston outside. Gaston agreed and joined his best friend on the gravel sidewalk. 

"I didn't want you to find out this way," Lefou started. "I honestly had planned to take this secret with me to the grave. I mean how cliché of me to fall in love with my best friend, especially knowing that they'll never return your feelings," he smiled sadly as the two walked along the empty road. 

Gaston looked towards the trees with rosy tint forming on his cheeks. "How long have you been in love with me Lefou?"

"Hm, I think looking back on our days in the war there was a time that I didn't think much of at the time, but now I realize that was the moment I had feelings for you," Lefou sighed. "We were sitting by an old oak tree in enemy territory. Before we knew it, the enemy was on top of us. Remember that? It was a surprise attack," he looked to Gaston. "I do," Gaston nodded. 

"Anyways, I remember bullets flying all around us. I thought for sure I was going to be hit. But, you were there. Hovering over me. Protecting me," Lefou smiled to himself. "That was the moment I fell in love with you." Lefou led Gaston to the field behind the town where there was no one around. The pair sat down in the wild grass, the sun steadily lowering in the sky. 

"That happened over 5 years ago. Are you saying you've been in love with me for 5 years?" Gaston asked with slightly wide eyes. Lefou chuckled and rested his head on the warm earth. "I guess you could say that. Sounds a bit pathetic that I have been keeping this a secret for so long." 

"Its not pathetic Lefou. Its brave," Gaston said softly. Lefou rolled his eyes. "Brave huh? I don't know if I see it that way. I kept this from you for so long and all it took were too many drinks for me to tell you the truth. Not to mention without me even remembering it," Lefou shook his head. "I think I imagined this fantasy of me confessing my feelings to you in this big dramatic way. Then you'd say, 'oh Lefou I love you too! I can't believe I never noticed this!', and we'd ride off into the sunset together. But that is all that was; a fantasy. A stupid, illogical, fantasy,". 

Gaston moved closer to Lefou. "Lefou I-," Gaston started but was cut off by Lefou's finger to his lips. "You don't have to feel pity for me Gaston or try and comfort me. This is my internal conflict that I need to deal with myself. I will get over it," he looked into Gaston's eyes. 

"Shut up," Gaston said sternly and grabbed Lefou's collar of his vest. Gaston lifted Lefou's head off the ground gently and planted his lips on Lefou's. Lefou's eyes widened in shock and he pushed Gaston off of him with tears forming in his eyes. 

"D-Don't play with my feelings Gaston. I know you don't feel the same way about me," Lefou looked away. Gaston angrily stood up from the ground. 

"Don't tell me what I do or don't feel! You have no idea how I feel! I listened to you confess your feelings so now," Gaston sighed, trying to calm down. "You are going to listen to me," he demanded. Lefou sniffled quietly and nodded. Gaston sat back down on the ground beside Lefou. 

"For a long time I was in denial about how I felt about you. I tried so hard to direct my feelings towards others-Belle for example. I kept telling myself, 'Lefou is your best friend. These feelings of love are normal for best friends to feel'. I hid behind the false narrative that I was in love with Belle and wanted a wife. I have been living a lie for a long time. I was so dedicated to proving that I was the most dominant, misogynistic, war hero that the world made me out to be. It wasn't until I almost died that I realized I need to stop denying who I really am and who I truly loved," Gaston glanced at Lefou. "You are the most important person to me, Lefou. And I..." Gaston placed his hand over Lefou's. "I love you."


To be continued in chapter 11...

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