Do You Forgive Yourself?

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Gaston held securely onto Lefou's hand as the two approached the outskirts of town. Gaston didn't want to let go, but he knew the stares and comments they would receive if they were seen holding hands in their village. Gaston sadly loosened his grip and let his hand fall to his side. Lefou looked at Gaston and gave a reassuring smile. 

"I know. It's not fair that we can't express ourselves how we'd like to. But, I am just happy that we both spoke our truths," Lefou looked towards their village. 

"I never expected that to happen today," Gaston laughed. 

Lefou nodded in agreement. "Tell me about it."

The two made their way back into the village as the sun started to set in the sky. The village was filled with music in the streets, with people continuing to celebrate the curse being lifted. As Gaston and Lefou stepped into their favorite tavern, they noticed Belle and Beast (now prince Adam), sitting beside the fireplace. Belle stood from her chair and ran up to Lefou. 

"Lefou! It's wonderful to see you,"Belle said as she embraced Lefou. 

"Wonderful to see you as well!" Lefou returned the embrace and chuckled.

Belle focused her attention towards Gaston. "Why, Gaston. I heard the news around town that you survived the fall. To say I was in shock was an understatement," she crossed her arms. "What are your feelings towards us now? Still want to kill Adam?" Adam stood up to stand beside Belle, an intense look forming on his face.

Gaston scratched his head and let out a forced chuckle. "No. My days of hunting the beas- I mean prince Adam are over. I realize it was wrong for me to take out my anger out on you," he gestured towards Adam. "I sincerely apologize for my actions, towards you and Belle."

Belle and Adam looked at each other in surprise. Belle had never heard Gaston take accountability for any of his actions, let alone an apology. Belle looked back towards Gaston with a concerned look. 

"Did you hit your head when you fell? Because you sound like a completely different person-no offense," Belle asked. 

"I admit it was a hard fall on my ass but luckily I avoided any head injuries," Gaston smiled. "I guess I had a lot of time the last few weeks to do some self... what's the word I am looking for Lefou?" Gaston glanced at Lefou.

"Self reflection?" Lefou winked. 

"Ah yes! Self reflection indeed," Gaston gave a thumbs up to Belle and Adam.  

"I have to hand it to Gaston. He has made a lot of progress in the past few weeks. We talked a lot and well um...amongst other things," Lefou cleared his throat. "That's not important though! The point being that I am so proud of him," Lefou blushed lightly. 

Belle raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm not completely convinced but I have to take your word for it Lefou."

"We'll see if he really has changed," Adam said under his breath as he walked away from the three. 

Belle gave a reassuring smile to Gaston. "Don't mind him. He is still pretty upset about the whole:  you leading an angry mob into his castle, destroying precious and expensive relics, not to mention trying to kill him and nearly succeeding-"

"Yes yes I know," Gaston sighed heavily. "I have done some unspeakably horrible things in the past. I know now that I was wrong in my ways. The monster you saw wasn't the real Gaston. I will do everything I can to earn your trust and respect." 

Belle gave Gaston a pat on the back. "Don't be so serious Gaston. We all know Adam had his own "monster moments". If Adam was granted forgiveness, you surely can."

Gaston slightly smiled and bowed his head. "I appreciate that Belle. Always so kind," he said. 

Belle nodded with a smile and made her way towards Adam. Gaston sighed in relief and sat down at the bar of the tavern. 

"That was greatly uncomfortable," Gaston mumbled to Lefou and took a swig of beer. 

"Eh, could have gone worse. It seems like Belle has forgiven you. Might take Adam some time to get over you shooting him," Lefou chuckled. 

"Understandable," Gaston had a sad look in his eyes. Lefou rested a gentle hand on Gaston's shoulder.

"But do you forgive yourself?" Lefou asked softly. 

Gaston sighed as he finished his beer. 

"No. And I don't know if I ever will." 


To be continued in Chapter 13...

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