Gaston is a Horrible Liar

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Lefou held his face in his hands as he attempted to process what had happened the night before. 'I remember getting really drunk...then I got closer to Gaston..I was inches away from his face and...AND...,' Lefou ruffled his hair in frustration. 'I can't remember anything after that. Fuck.' Lefou stood from his bed and looked at himself in the mirror. "Remember Lefou come on..." he whispered to himself. Just then there was a knock at his door. 

"Lefou? Are you okay? I thought I heard something," Gaston said through the door. Lefou stumbled to the door and leaned against it. "Y-yeah! Everything is dandy over here! J-just give me a moment and i'll be down to make breakfast," Lefou reassured and chuckled nervously. Gaston rubbed his temple and nodded. "Great, I'll see you shortly then," he said as he made his way downstairs. 

Lefou scrambled to put on proper clothing as his thoughts ran wild in his mind. 'Did we kiss? Did I say something? Did we...oh no. Fuck, fuck, fuck...' Lefou looked in the mirror once more. "Get it together Lefou. It's no big deal. Just talk with Gaston to get the whole story. Oh, but I don't want to hurt his feelings. Shit," he whispered to himself. 'Okay I just need to be a man and go down there,' he thought as he cautiously opened his bedroom door. 

Gaston sat quietly in his chair, anxiously waiting for Lefou to come downstairs. 'What does he remember? If anything?', he thought. Gaston looked up to see Lefou coming down the creaky wooden stairs. "Good morning Gaston," Lefou said in a soft tone. Gaston smiled at his friend. "Good morning Lefou, feeling okay? You really enjoyed that whiskey last night," Gaston chuckled. Lefou scratched his head awkwardly and let out a forced laugh. "I sure did!," he said as he made his way over to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. 

Gaston stood up and met Lefou in the kitchen. "So, what do you remember of last night?" Gaston asked in a curious tone. Lefou dropped his bowl and it shattered on the concrete floor. "C-clumsy me! Heh-heh sorry!" he exclaimed and ran over to the closet to get a broom. Gaston lifted a confused eyebrow and tilted his head. "You know Lefou, if I didn't know any better i'd think you were avoiding me," Gaston said. "A-avoiding you?! Nonsense Gaston! I am just a tad hungover," Lefou explained. 'Jesus, I am a horrible liar', he thought. 

Lefou crouched on the floor to clean up the broken bowl. Gaston joined him and attempted to help clean up. "Here, let me help," Gaston instructed Lefou with a slight smile. Lefou noticeably blushed and looked at Gaston. "Thank you.." he said as the two silently cleaned up the mess. 'I just need be honest with him,' Lefou thought as he watched Gaston throw the remainder of the glass in the trash. 

"Gaston?" Lefou asked and looked at the taller man. Gaston turned around to face Lefou. "Yes?" he replied. Lefou twiddled with his fingers and sighed. "Look, Gaston. The only thing about last night that I remember is laughing about me being gay, me crawling on the floor over to you, and...," Lefou's face was bright red. "That's all I remember. I-I don't know if we did anything else o-or if I just went to bed. I am not sure. Can you jog my memory?" Lefou finally looked into Gaston's sad eyes. 

"I see, that's all you remember then, huh?" Gaston sighed as Lefou nodded to his question. "You ah...let's see..." Gaston debated telling the truth to Lefou. He didn't want to make things more awkward than they already were. 'If I told Lefou that he told me he was in love with me, would he even believe me? Was it just something he said but really didn't mean? If it was something he really meant or was important enough, wouldn't he remember telling me?' Gaston contemplated. "I think after that you passed out. Then I took you up to your bed! Other than that, nothing more eventful happened," Gaston lied. 

Lefou sighed in relief. "Ah, thank heavens. I was worried I'd make a fool of myself like I did last time I was drunk. I hate you seeing me like that," Lefou chuckled. Gaston attempted to smile but all he could muster was a slight smirk. "Yep. Pretty normal night!" Gaston grabbed his hunting bag. "Well, I am off for the day. Long day of hunting ya know?! I-I'll be back in the evening!" he said as he quickly walked out the door. "W-wait Gaston!" Lefou tried to stop Gaston before he left, but he was down the street by the time Lefou got to the doorway. 'Something isn't right. Gaston is a horrible liar. And he is keeping something from me. I'll find out exactly what that is tonight,' Lefou thought confidently. 


To be continued in Chapter 10

This love was never supposed to happenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن