A Ridiculous Dream

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'Hello? Lefou? Anyone..? It's so dark. I can't see anything. Or hear anything but my own thoughts. What's that off in the distance? A person? Hello! Can you please help me get out of here? What? I don't understand...No please... Stanley don't do this! I'm sorry, please! Don't make Lefou suffer for my mistakes...fuck! God! Fucking damn you! Lefou...stay alive! My god don't leave me..don't die...No!!!'

"No!!!"  Gaston awoke from his nightmare, screaming into the darkness. Lefou shot up from the bed and looked around the room franticly. 

"W-what is it Gaston?! What's wrong??" Lefou asked with worry. 

Gaston rested his face into his hands and sighed, sweat dripping down his temples. "Sorry for waking you. Bad dream," he mumbled. 

Lefou rested his hand on Gaston's back and massaged it gently. "Don't apologize. We all have bad dreams sometimes. What was your dream about if you don't mind me asking," he whispered. 

Gaston lifted his head and looked towards Lefou. "In the dream I...," Gaston's mind flashed him images of the nightmare. "Ugh," he paused before continuing. "Stanley got to you. H-he murdered you right in front of me," a single teared slid down his cheek. 

"Oh, that sounds awful. Listen Gaston," Lefou gently wiped away Gaston's tear. "Stanley will never get to me. You know why?"

Gaston shook his head in response. "Because you would be there to stop him. You are fucking Gaston. You don't take shit from any man. You'd kick his ass before he would even get close to me," Lefou smirked. 

Gaston chuckled lightly and sat up more confidently. "You're right Lefou. Look at me. Crying like a pansy from a ridiculous dream."

"You aren't a pansy for crying Gaston. It's good to talk about your feelings," Lefou smiled. Gaston playfully rolled his eyes and rested his head back on his pillow. "I am still getting used that. I never spent time talking about stupid- I mean important feelings."

Lefou nudged Gaston and laughed. "I know it's hard. Thanks for trying anyways," he whispered as he drifted back off to sleep. 


Several hours into the morning, Lefou awoke to the smell of savory bacon coming from the kitchen. Lefou made his way downstairs and smiled at the sight of Gaston cooking. Lefou came up behind Gaston and wrapped his arms around his torso. 

"Good morning," Lefou said lovingly. Gaston blushed lightly as he flipped the sizzling bacon. "Good morning to you as well. I apologize if I disturbed your sleep last night," he said in a soft tone. 

"Stop apologizing for things you don't need to be sorry for Gaston. You didn't disturb me at all. I fall asleep fast anyways," Lefou reassured. Gaston glanced over his shoulder and looked at the smaller man. "I appreciate that Lefou. I love-"

Just then, the sound of a gunshot rang out as the kitchen window shattered into a million pieces. "Get down!!" Gaston yelled out and pushed Lefou down to the floor, shielding him from the potential gunfire. 

"What the fuck?!" Lefou shouted in shock. "Sh, keep your voice down. We don't know what or who the hell that was," Gaston whispered. The room was silent for a few moments as Lefou trembled beneath Gaston. Gaston looked down at Lefou, still shielding his body from the possible danger. Gaston waited a few more minutes before standing up cautiously. 

"The coast seems clear I think-"


 Gaston fell to the wooden floor, a pool of blood forming around him. 


To be continued...

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