I'm Alive You Idiot!

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"God dammit!" Gaston exclaimed as he threw his gun to the floor of the tavern. The Beast had won Belle's affection and had turned human.

"That beast threw me off the roof of the castle... I don't know what is more beastly..", he mumbled to himself angrily. Gaston took a seat in his chair and peeked up at the clock. It was approximately 2 am and Lefou hadn't returned from the castle.

'Where is he..',Gaston thought to himself.

Little did Gaston know, Lefou had a change of heart. Lefou sided with the servants of Beast's castle during the battle. Gaston paced inside of the tavern until 4 am and finally headed to his home on the east side of town. As he drifted off to sleep, Gaston worried about Lefou and what had become of him.

The next morning, Gaston woke to find that Lefou was still not home. Gaston angrily got dressed and ran out the door, heading to the castle to find Lefou. When Gaston arrived, the castle was putting on a ball in celebration of the curse being lifted. Gaston watched Belle and the Beast dance happily and noticed Lefou dancing as well...with Stanley. Gaston felt a surge of jealousy that he had never felt before. Gaston gritted his teeth and stomped over to the dance floor.

"Lefou! What do you think you are doing!?" Gaston exclaimed angrily, grabbing Lefou's arm. Lefou's eyes widened in shock, not knowing Gaston was alive. The ballroom of people stopped dancing and looked to the two in the center of the floor. Lefou smiled uncomfortably and Stanley backed away from his dance partner. 

"J-just dancing.. Y-your alive...?" Lefou whispered.

"Yeah of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?! Yet here you are, dancing with Stanley and associating yourself with the Beast and his company!" Gaston boomed and dragged Lefou off the dance floor. The two went outside and Gaston sat his friend down on a bench beside the Beast's garden. Gaston sighed, trying to calm down before speaking to Lefou.

"Lefou, let me ask you this," Gaston paused and looked at Lefou. "Did...you not think to look for me? A-after I fell from the castle,I mean," he mumbled and looked down at the dirt. Lefou bit his lip and sighed. 

"Gaston, I honestly thought you were dead. When I saw you approach me on the dance floor, I was in utter shock," Lefou explained and placed his hand on Gaston's shoulder. "I wept for hours after the battle and Belle found me in the garden. I had spent some time looking for you but I-I couldn't find you..," Lefou's eyes started to tear up. "Belle...she found me a complete mess and helped wash me up. I ended up staying in a room at the castle since I was too weak to go back to town," Lefou sniffled and took a handkerchief out of his pocket. "This afternoon, Belle encouraged me to attend the ball as a way to cheer me up and that is why I am here," Lefou finished. 

Gaston nodded slowly and rubbed the back of his neck. "I understand, I am sorry I accused you of not looking for me. I should have known better from my closest friend," he smiled lightly. Lefou chuckled and embraced Gaston in a tight hug. 

"I am so happy you are alive!" Lefou said happily and let go of Gaston. A rosy tint covered Gaston's cheeks. 

"A-ah yes. I am too my friend," Gaston stood up and sighed happily. 

"Everything alright Gaston?" Lefou asked and stood up along side the larger man. 

"Of course! I am alive after all," Gaston put a thumbs up. Lefou thought a moment and looked up to Gaston.

"Does this mean you are going to stop going after Belle...?" he asked. Gaston crossed his arms and looked back towards the castle.

"I believe so my friend. Belle is married so nothing much more to do," he nodded and smiled at Lefou. Lefou sighed in relief at Gaston's response. 

"Well, then, shall we head home? I don't know about you but I could use a drink," Lefou asked. Gaston nodded once again and the two headed happily back to the village. 

{To be continued in Chapter 2...}

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