Gaston Is Not Cute

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*Writer's note: Thank you so much for all your support as I continue this story! It would be so appreciated if you share this story with others. I couldn't continue this without your support! Enjoy :) 


Later that evening...

Gaston and Lefou made their way back to their cottage after spending the evening at Oakley's tavern. The pair were exhausted from keeping up appearances and socializing with people they barely knew. As they walked down the empty side streets of the village, Lefou thought about what occurred between him and Gaston earlier that afternoon. 

'It's surreal to me that me and Gaston actually confessed shared feelings for one another. It still feels like a dream,' Lefou thought with a gentle smile growing on his face. 

Gaston glanced at Lefou and noticed his smile. "What are you smiling about?" 

Lefou looked at Gaston and continued to smile. "Oh you know. Just happy about today is all. I know the last couple of hours were tiring as hell but when it was just us two, it was quite nice."

Gaston looked around to make sure no one was out before taking Lefou's hand. "Yes, it was nice indeed," he said softly. 

Lefou blushed and held on to Gaston's hand securely. "You have no idea how happy this makes me."

At the cottage...

Lefou started a fire while Gaston prepared tea for the two. It had been a while since they sat by the fire and enjoyed tea together. Gaston was usually out thinking of new ways to capture Belle's attention while Lefou was stuck at home. Gaston handed Lefou a cup of tea as he sat down on the couch next to him. 

"Thank you. I can't remember the last time you made tea," Lefou laughed as he blew on his tea.

"I don't think I've ever made tea to be honest with you. I had this backwards way of thinking that only women cooked or prepared tea. I can throw those ideas out the window,"Gaston chuckled. 

Lefou nudged Gaston lightly. "That's exactly right Gaston. You really are changing."

"Ha! Not that much my friend. I'm still the same Gaston, with a twist!" Gaston folded his arms together proudly. 

Lefou blushed and giggled to himself. Gaston looked at Lefou with a raised eyebrow. 

"What's so funny?" Gaston asked.

"Oh, I just thought how cute you were talking like that," Lefou rested a hand on Gaston's knee. 

Gaston felt his cheeks heat up as he looked away in embarrassment. "Cute huh? Gaston is not cute," he mumbled. 

"Well I think so. I've always thought you were cute," Lefou took a sip of his tea. 

"In what ways did I appear cute to you in the past?" Gaston asked with a curious tone. 

"There were many times I thought you were cute. But one time I think of in particular was when you attempted to catch a wild horse a few years back. You were running around, shouting at it to stop but of course it wasn't working. Then you tried a different approach. You were gentle and calm. Naturally the horse responded to your calmness and you were able to create a bond," Lefou sighed happily. "I saw a special side of you that you never showed to anyone."

Gaston smiled to himself. "You are talking about Léo. My first horse. I had no idea you were watching that happen. You stalker," he smirked at Lefou. 

"What can I say? I was hopelessly in love with you," Lefou looked down at his tea with a smile. 

"Aren't I lucky?" Gaston whispered before pulling Lefou in for a passionate kiss. Lefou closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Gaston's neck. Gaston rested his hands on Lefou's hips and pulled him up on his lap. Lefou laughed against Gaston's lips. 

"You are quite strong Gaston," Lefou said in a seductive tone. 

"Maybe I can show you how strong I am-" 


Gaston glared at the front door. Lefou rolled his eyes and slowly moved off Gaston. 

"Better go see who that is," Lefou placed a kiss on Gaston's temple before walking over to the door.  

'Always at the worse times isn't it?" Gaston thought to himself. 

Lefou opened the door to see Adam standing on the porch, drenched from the rain. 

"Oh, Adam! What can I help you with?" Lefou asked in a concerned voice. 

"Tell Gaston that we need to talk."


To be continued in Chapter 14...

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