I Am In Love With You

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"I'm sorry, what did you say?" 


Gaston peaked over his shoulder and sighed. Gaston unclenched his fists and made his way over to Lefou. Gaston looked at Lefou with serious eyes and knew he had to be honest about his feelings. "I'm sorry I lost my temper with Stanley. I stepped out of line. I let my personal feelings get involved and that was wrong of me," he said in a gentle tone. 

"What do you mean by personal feelings Gaston?" Lefou asked.

Gaston groaned and rubbed the back of his neck. "Look Lefou, I care about you so much. You were my first friend and have always been by my side. I never want to do anything to ruin our friendship. What we have is so important to me. So if I am being honest, it's hard for me to tell you what is actually on my mind right now," he admitted. 

Lefou blushed lightly and shuffled closer to Gaston. "I think I understand what you mean," Lefou said as he rested a reassuring hand on Gaston's shoulder. "But don't worry about that. No matter what you have to say it won't push me out of your life. I promise. We have been through too much for me to do that." Gaston nodded and headed over to the kitchen to pour himself a shot of whiskey. 

"If I am going to start talking about things as ridiculous as feelings, I'm gonna need at least this," Gaston chuckled as he took the shot of whiskey. Lefou lifted his hand out to Gaston. "Hand me one too would ya?"


One shot turned into 10 and before the two knew it, they were most certainly drunk. Lefou and Gaston laid on the floor on their cottage, giggling like little school boys. Gaston knew that he was drunk but could definitely handle his liquor better than Lefou. Lefou on the other hand, well let's just say he was feeling the whiskey a tad more than Gaston. 

"And THEN I said, what are you crazy??! Like, DUH of course I am GAYYYyy," Lefou exclaimed in a slurred voice. Gaston chuckled and smiled at his friend. "I have to say Lefou, from the moment I met you I knew you were. It's really fucking obvious," he laughed. 

Lefou snickered and stumbled to his feet. "I-I need a tall glass of a hot mansss right now," he said pointing at Gaston. Gaston's cheeks grew redder than they already were and he laughed nervously.

 "What nonsense are you speaking of Lefou?" Lefou rolled his eyes and got on the floor again, crawling towards Gaston. "I said: I needs a hots mans right now. That be implying to you, cause you are the hot mans," he chuckled as his face got closer to Gaston's.

Gaston slowly backed away, inching closer to the wall behind him. "What's gotten into you Lefou?" Gaston whispered as he bit his lip. Lefou placed a hand on Gaston's cheek. "I am in love with you, Gaston" he said softly. Gaston's eyes widened, not expecting to hear those words from Lefou. Before Gaston could respond, Lefou fell on Gaston's chest and quickly passed out. 

'Oh you've got to be kidding me. Am I ever going to be able to let Lefou how I feel?,' Gaston thought as he lifted the smaller man into his arms. Gaston brought Lefou to his bedroom and tucked him in under the covers. 'He looks so peaceful while he sleeps,' Gaston thought as he contemplated sleeping with Lefou or just going to his own room. 'Better if I just sleep in my own room, I don't want to be creepy like fucking Stanley', Gaston planted a quick kiss on Lefou's temple. 

"I love you too, Lefou."

The next morning ...

Lefou slowly awoke from his 12 hour slumber after a night of whiskey with Gaston. 'Fuck, I feel like shit,' he thought as he checked the time. It read; 11:19am. Suddenly, it felt like all the memories of the night before came flooding back to him. "OH MY GOD I AM SO EMBARRASSING!" he yelled, not realizing he spoke out loud. 

To be continued in Chapter 9...

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