You Must Really Like Margaritas

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"Hi handsome, shall we go?"


Stanley reached out his hand and charmingly winked at Lefou. Lefou cautiously took Stanley's hand and looked back at Gaston. 

"I shall return soon, see you in a few hours," Lefou said softly and went out the door with his date. 

Gaston watched as the pair left the cottage, left alone in the noticeably empty house. Gaston let out a sigh as he poured himself a beer. 

'What does Lefou see in that buffoon? I mean, what does he have that I...' Gaston paused. 

"That I don't have..." Gaston whispered to himself as he put a finger to his chin. Gaston slumped in his chair and glanced at his fireplace. Gaston in his heart knew that he had feelings for Lefou- this was almost too clear. Gaston ran his fingers through his thick dark hair and thought about the duck he was supposed to enjoy with Lefou. 

'What's the point of enjoying a delicious meal without the love of your life by your side. Better yet with another man..', Gaston thought to himself as he eventually drifted off to sleep. 

At Oakley's Tavern...

Lefou fiddled with his fingers as the slender man called Stanley sat across from him. Stanley smiled at Lefou as he poured him a glass of water.

"You look lovely this evening, Lefou" Stanley said softly and beamed at his date. Lefou let out a chuckle and held a hand up to the waiter, indicating her to come over. 

"What can I get for you gentleman? Perhaps one of our signature cocktails?" The waitress smiled. 

"Hmm, I suppose I'll try do you say it? Marg-a-heata?" Lefou looked confused at the menu and Stanley burst out laughing. 

"I think what he means to say is Margarita," Stanley rested his hand over Lefou's. "You are cute Lefou. And I'll have a glass of wine," Stanley added. Lefou blushed and hid his face in the menu, embarrassed that he totally butchered the word. 

"Comin' right up," the waitress said as she left the two alone. 

Stanley sighed happily and attempted to make eye-contact with Lefou. However, Lefou continued to look down at the menu. 'This is so awkward', Lefou thought to himself. 

"Are you alright Lefou?" Stanley asked as the waitress placed the drinks on their table. 

"Why yes! Of course!" Lefou said almost too enthusiastically. Lefou took a heavy "sip" of his margarita. 

"You must really like margaritas," Stanley noted and continued to rest his hand over Lefou's. "So, what made you say yes to this date?"

Lefou looked up at Stanley and thought for a moment. "Well, you seemed nice at the ball so I thought 'why the hell not?'". Lefou shrugged as he sipped his drink. 

Stanley nodded and smiled. "Thanks. I think you are pretty nice too," he said as he pulled his chair closer to Lefou. Lefou became noticeably tense and froze. 

'He is so close to me. Why so close? I don't know how to feel or-'. Before Lefou could finish this thought, Stanley planted a quick peck on Lefou's lips. Lefou abruptly stood up from his chair and stumbled back, falling onto the wooden floor. 

"S-sorry! Clumsy me! Hahah..." Lefou said as he brought himself up from the floor. 'What the hell is the matter with you Lefou?', he thought. 

Stanley stood up and took Lefou's hand. Without a word, Stanley pulled Lefou outside of the tavern. 

"Hey what's going on?" Lefou asked in a confused tone.  

Stanley sighed sadly and looked at the smaller man. "It's Gaston isn't it? He is the one you want to kiss," he said quietly. 

Lefou's eyes widened in shock. "What!? A-absolutely not! Gaston is my best friend! Never have seen him in a romantic way EVER," he said. 

Stanley looked unimpressed. "In that case..." Stanley brought Lefou into a deep and passionate kiss. Lefou closed his eyes and attempted to kiss back. The kiss was sloppy and Lefou thought Stanley used way too much tongue. 

'This doesn't feel right', Lefou thought in his mind as he pulled away from the kiss. 

Stanley smiled, not seeming to notice how uncomfortable Lefou was with their kiss. "That was amazing. Your lips are delectable," he whispered as he stroked Lefou's cheek. "I guess now I know, you only have feelings for me," he added. 

Lefou pulled back completely and shook his head. "I wouldn't go that far Stanley. I mean, we only went on 1 date. Romance takes time to develop, I need time to think about this," he told Stanley firmly. 

"Of course. I completely understand my flower, take all the time you need," Stanley said gently. 

'God, him calling me his flower almost made me want to vomit', Lefou thought and put on a half-smile. "Well, I guess I will see you again soon. Thanks for the drinks," he said quickly and started his way back home. 

'I want to go home. I want to go home...' 

To be continued in Chapter 7

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