Chapter 10 : Is this a confession?

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"I believe you are being unfair to us; none of the quotes are relevant to us." Kanazki expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Bummer," the angel remarked sarcastically before continuing after a few seconds. "It's not my fault that you don't include yourself much in the main plot."


"All right, for Jesus' sake, I'll show you something related to your class." The Angel stated.

"Thank you; I appreciate it." Kanazki responded.

"You had better." The angel paused for a second before continuing. "The following quote, however, will be about Class C. Give it everything you've got."

"Yosh, I'm looking forward to the quote." Mako exclaimed with glee.

The quote appeared on the screen after the Angel snapped his fingers.

"I meant what I said I want you to meet me again next year just like this no one else just us ."

I see, it's from the time when Ayanokouji assisted me in regaining my will. I owe Ayanokouji-kun a great debt of gratitude for many things. Ichinose pondered.

"How romantic!" says one. A few girls murmured.

"Kyah! My heart is racing just listening to those lines." Should watch for heart attack.

"It sounds like you're confessing."

"To think that my dear children's names are associated with that quote, are you all naughty?" Chie exclaimed, giggling.

"I know everyone now. It's quite embarrassing, but please let me know if you know." Kanazki explained.

What am I supposed to do? Should I tell them, but it's so embarrassing that it almost sounds like a confession? I wouldn't mind the confession, but it's still embarrassing. Ichinose blushed.

"Who do you think the person is, Honami chan?" Chihiro inquired. Ichinose remains silent and blushes profusely.

"What's the problem, Honami chan?" Chihiro, perplexed, inquired.

Is she aware of it? Kanazki pondered.

"Ichinose, do you know who said it? If you know, say it quickly." Kanazki explained.

Ichinose then looked at me, as if seeking confirmation, and I simply nodded. We won't be able to avoid it in any case.

"That person wa- was..."

"Who was it?"

Everyone was watching Ichinose with bated breath, wondering who it would be. Of course, teenagers are more curious about life and things at their age, so perhaps this was the most alert response. Particularly when someone like Ichinose is involved.


"Who exactly is it?" Amikura was perplexed. Ichinose's response is likely to be hampered as a result.

"It was said to me by Ayanokouji-kun." Ichinose kept talking without pausing for a breather. Ichinose covered her face with her hands after answering for some reason I couldn't figure out.


"That is the correct response. Class C will receive twenty points for this." Declared the Angel.

"Did he confess to you?" I heard a lot of similar mumbling.


All of the students looked at me, perhaps expecting an answer.

"You've got a quiet playboy in your class, Sae chan." Chie stated.

"I can't disagree," Chabishira said.

"Do you two have a relationship?"

"Did you say no to him?"

"No way, Honami-chan will never turn Ayanokouji-kun down."

"What a play girl you are Honami chan."

"Does this imply that they are secretly dating?"

"Nah, Ichinose would never date Ayanokouji."

I could hear a lot of gossip going on around the room. Ichinose blushed all the time without saying anything.

If you do this, you will only complicate the situation.

"Damn you, Ayanokouji, you're dating Ichinose and haven't told us."

If Ayanokouji is dating Ichinose, my path is open, yayy. Sudo was ecstatic.

"Ayanokouji-kun, Is that correct?" Horikita inquired.

"That's not the case." Ichinose stated quietly.

"So, how's it going?" With a grin on her face, Amikura said.

"All right, now I'll explain the context." According to the angel.

Ayanokouji found Ichinose depressed in the rain, so he helped her and took her to his room because she didn't want to be alone in her room, which is when Ayanokouji helped her with her insecurities, such as whether she will be strong enough to lead the class through 2nd year. Ichinose was trembling when Ayanokouji placed his thumb on her lips and told her to meet him before the third year began to see how much she had changed, which gave Ichinose the confidence to stand up and fight again, almost giving her a new determination.

I looked around the room and noticed that almost every girl, including the teachers, was blushing. Huh?

"Ayanokouji-kun you touched Ichinose-san's lips?" Kei murmured.

"You aided the instructor of another class! Even after we called it quits on the alliance." Horikita became enraged.

"Many thanks to Ayanokouji kun for assisting Ichinose san." A few students from Class C expressed their gratitude to me.

"I didn't do anything; it was her strength that allowed her to triumph." I stated.

"You're as humble as we've heard about you."

"Don't ever say that, Ayanokouji kun, you did so much for me, you helped me when I was depressed, you helped me when no one else did. That was a moment I'll never forget." Ichinose said, her blush still visible.

"Isn't that adorable?" Amikura mumbled something.

"You jerk, you touched Ichinose san's lips." I exhaled a sigh. Even after all of that, they only see me touching Ichinose's lips.

"Wow, Ayanokouji kun, I had no idea you were so close to Ichinose san." Why would you know that?

"You are all intelligent and powerful, but you do nothing to assist us. You're so close to the class C leader, you even helped her; aren't you betraying us?" Shinohara explained.

"kukuku, You're a different kind of monster, you catch women like Pokemon, at least leave something for us." Ryuuen stated.

"Yeah, king catches women's hearts like pokemon, but at least leave us with something new." Hasimoto elaborated.

"You've got a way with words." Katsuragi explained.

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