Chapter 3

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As of now we're in dc. Obleck....I think thats his name, anyways he's talking about the Faunus war that I already know, right now am sitting next to the Faunus Cardin bulled and i saw Jaune sleeping.

Obleck: i mean look at the white fang—

Dust: knowing his luck his gonna get picked.

Yn: "i know...."

Dust: wanna help him?

Yn:.....nah i have a better plan.

Obleck: and who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over the general?

Then cardin throw a piece of paper at Jaune which then 'woke' him up.

Jaune: ah!

Obleck: mr.arc, finally contributing to class this is excellent, what is the answer?

Jaune: ahhh....the answer.........night vision!

Obleck: that is correct mr.Arc it's good to see you paying attention to the class, mr.Winchester, here's a question.

Everyone was a bit shocked that he know the answer, well except Cardin he was pissed, jaune looked at me, and i gave him a questioning look,he then turned away,i gave him the answer via a he won't forget it ever, anyways somehow cardin failed to answer a simple question, got mocked by Blake.

But after that cardin kept throwing paper at me which was starting to get annoying, i still didn't do anything about it because obleck is still watching.......

Dust: give a minute I'll distract him.

Yn: " just change your looks "

Dust: sure.

After that dust left and started knocking on the window, everyone looked at him, I grabbed my book and throw really hard at Cardin's eye, I didn't use my semblance, didn't want him to die now.

Cardin: AGH.

Obleck: mr.Winchester—

[ timeskip ]

Apparently Jaune was still sad that he's weak and Pyrrha had an idea and brought him to the roof.........i followed just in case.........

Jaune: Pyrrha i know am having a hard time but am not that depressed, i can always be a farmer or something.

Pyrrha: no! That's not why I brought up here.

So to sum up the rest......Pyrrha wanted to help Jaune but Jaune is too prideful to accept it, but then he confessed that he doesn't deserve to be here because he cheated beacon academy which either he's smarter then oz or oz let him in....I think the latter works.

Pyrrha: if that's what you think is best.

Then Pyrrha left i went down and look at Jaune.

Yn: ok that was a dickish move.

Jaune screaming like a girl was surprised to see me.

Jaune: oh it's you.

Yn: it's me.

Jaune: did you—

Yn: I did.

Jaune: oh....

Yn: look she was offering help you could've just said no you know.

Jaune: but i did say no.

Yn: yes but you did it in a way that hurt the person who was trying helping you.

Jaune: I.......i have a question.....

Yn: shoot.

Jaune: what?

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