Chapter 8 (part 1)

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As me and sun run at each other we pulled our weapon and started clashing with each other, but then dust started talking which made back out.

Port: and Yn backs out of the clash!

Sun then looked at Blake and blinked, and the comment he made kinda pissed me off.

Sun: why did you cower out?!

Yn: "what is it?"

Dust: how about a bet? you can't use your other semblance.

Yn: "so no nightmares?"

Dust: yes.

Yn: "all is fair?"

Dust: yes just don't use your other one.

Yn: alright then.

Sun: you talking to your—

Then i throw a fire ball at him which made him dodge.

Port: ohhh and Yn already is using his semblance.

Obleck: yes, Yn semblance is Pyrokinesis which is basically the ability to generate control and manipulate flames which is a great semblance but his weakness is that he can't use his aura to the fullest also they won't stop brute force damage but they'll stop slashing and stabbing damage and he can't let it go beyond he's forearms his other weakness is water obviously.

Port: a nice semblance might i say.

Yn: really there gonna expose my weakness now?

Sun: well you have a bad luck since my attack focuses on brute force.

Then sun jumped in the air and started using his semblance which made him create clones of himself.

Sun: now this will be my sp—

I throw a fire ball at him which made the clones disappear and sun to just fall on the floor.

Port: ohhh that one must of hurt.

Obleck: yes it definitely did, sun wukong semblance is Via Sun, allows him to create and control glowing yellow clones of himself. He needs to remain still and concentrate while using his Semblance, His clones are tangible enough to interact with people and objects and even have enough strength to pin an opponent or lift heavy objects.

it is shown that over-use of his Semblance can be taxing on his Aura, when he uses four clones to hold down a struggling Opponent As a result, they are able to injure him after his clones dissipate.

Sun's Semblance works as an extension of his own consciousness, in which he can sense and feel what his clones do as well. As a result, he is susceptible to mental attacks through his clones.

Yn: as result he won't know what hits him if he closes his eyes.

Sun: they said why more stuff for mine.

Yn: heh, well mine is simple really—

Sun used his clones to try and attack me but I started dodging till he started to corner me so I jumped and used fell to land but I couldn't stop dodging because the clone started attacking after landing so I decided to spin around like ruby did in the attack but the difference is that my weapon bended which made it break, but i did get the clones.

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