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Y/N's POV-

"mmn" you groan as you wake up, covering your eyes as sunlight shines through the blinds. You rubbed your eyes and sat up and started looking around, panicking once you realized you weren't in your own room. Panic set in as you quickly stood up, stumbling a bit as you fell to the floor with a thud.

"ughh" You sit up and looked around and facepalmed as you realized you were in Tsu's room. She shot up and looked around as her eyes darted to you.

"y/n?! what are you doing?" She tilts her head and giggles. You groan and stood up.

"I panicked and fell" She held in her laugh as she stood up.

"well It's time to get ready for class anyways, take your pills. They're on your bed" You nodded and teleported onto your bed and sighed.

"I don't wanna go to classssss" You took one of the pills out of the bottle and swallowed it dry, quickly regretting it with the nasty taste left in your mouth.

"bleh" you gag slightly and shake your head.

'stupid pills' you thought as you headed over to your closet, you grabbed your normal school uniform and quickly changed. You grabbed your bag as you straightened your skirt out and walked out of your room, locking the door behind you.





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