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Y/N's POV-

Two days later came quicker than you expected, being woken up by the girls squealing while running into your room, you had slept in but it was okay it was around 2:30, they wanted you to stay up in your room and away from the guys incase any of them were your mate.

"mmm sleep" You whined while burying your head into a pillow and groaning out softly, they all brought makeup and their dresses into your room.

"I made you coffee" You shot up at the sentence which left Tsus' mouth, in her hand a steaming cup of coffee awaited you. You quickly and carefully snatched it away from her causing the girls to giggle. You smiled and sipped the coffee as you watched the girls.

"mmmm so what's the plan?" You looked around at the girls and Hagikure spoke up.

"we're gonna have you teleport us down to the bathroom to get ready, then after we're ready you will teleport us up here and everyone will be in the back yard by then, we'll make a grand entrance and boom, Aizawa already knows who our plus ones are so he will meet them at the gate and let them in." You nodded slightly and the girls jumped around, you giggled while drinking your coffee, yum.

"Tsu can you grab my dress and shoes from the closet so I can finish my coffee please?" You looked at her with puppy eyes and she nodded and walked to your closet, you downed the rest of the coffee while everyone looked at you in shock.

"How the-" Ura started but Jirou elbowed her lightly causing everyone to giggle, You stood up from your bed and stretched out, groaning as some bones popped.

"Did your back just break-?" Hagikure blurted out and you laughed and shook your head.

"I don't think I would still be standing if I had broke my back" You all laughed and Tsu brought your dress which is in a long bag to keep it safe and your shoe box which contained your shoes. 

"Is everyone ready? Grab your stuff." Everyone grabbed their stuff including their makeup and held onto you, you took a deep breath and teleported everyone to the bathroom, they all shivered once again apart from Tsu and you giggled at them, grabbing a towel and soaps before walking to a shower stall.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that" Ura said making you and others laugh. You got to showering, Mina had started playing music which you all sang along to while showering, belting out lyrics and giggling. After showering you stepped out and dried off, wrapping a towel around your body. You got to work on styling your hair, doing whatever you wanted with it.

"I call doing Y/Ns makeup!" Ura exclaimed, wrapping a towel around herself as she walked up to you, everyone agreed and you smiled up at her.

"I think we're gonna do a nude eye color with a light pink lip with some gloss, sound good?" You nodded vigorously. She set out the makeup and you waited before remembering.

"Oh! I should brush my teeth first" She nodded and you made your way over to the cupboards and grabbed a new tooth brush and toothpaste. You headed back towards the sinks and brushed your teeth looking over at Ura setting up the makeup.

"Are you okay with black winged liner? I think it'd look amazing" You nodded and she tried not to giggle as toothpaste dripped down your chin. You spit out the toothpaste and rinsed around your mouth and giggled.

"Okay sit sit" You both laughed and you sat down, she immediately got to work on your makeup, the other girls soon got out of their stalls and admired Uras work. When she was done she continued to the other girls who had asked her to do their makeup. You stared at Yourself in shock, You had a nude to brown smokey eyes with a sharp medium wings, you felt beautiful and looked magnificent.

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