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2 years later-

Your hands began to sweat, your heart pounding against your chest. Your class in gowns standing before the school faculty and everyone's families, today was graduation day.  Sitting in the front row was Dabi, your mom and now your stepfather, all grinning up at you while Principal Nezu droned on. You could barely hear him though, everything was droning out, your ears buzzing from excitement.

"I present to you all, the graduating class of 1-A!" Nezu proclaimed while everyone cheered. You immediately hugged Izu and Tsu tightly, the three of us breaking out into tears. After your group hug, you seen Aizawa breaking out into tears while clapping, mic hugging him tightly. You immediately teleported over there jumping on both of them surprising them with a hug while sobbing.

"we're so proud of you Y/N!" Aizawa spoke out, his voice breaking slightly. you hugged him tightly and sniffled, all your years here they were your supports, the only ones who knew everything and comforted you no matter what. You were eternally grateful.

"This isn't goodbye, I'll always be here to pester you guys." You laughed while wiping your cheeks, tears on the sleeve of your golden gown. They laughed and wiped their own tears, smiling.

"We love you y/n" Your heart swelled up.

"I love you too dads" You gave them one last tight hug before giving them space to go converse with the others and you teleported over to Dabi, kissing him passionately. He responded immediately after getting used to your randomness and he pulled away panting, both of you smiling like idiots. His outfit reminded you of your birthday. Dress pants, dress shirt tucked in, a very handsome outfit on him and he knew you liked it.

"I've been waiting for this day for a while." He suddenly said, you tilted your head. What'd he mean by that? Suddenly he dropped to his knee, everyone gasped, and your eyes widened. The world seemed to stop, your heart pounding faster and harder than before. Your mouth gaped open while he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, navy box. Your hands flew up to cover your mouth while he opened the box shakily, he was nervous. The most beautiful ring laid inside, both of your names engraved in the steel, a diamond sitting on top.

"y/n, my time with you has been the best moments of my life, I can't imagine myself without you, you've helped me grow and you've taught me so much. You're the only woman I want forever, I want to make so many more memories with you because I love you so much, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

You stood frozen for a second, science all around you before you nodded vigorously. Cheers broke out from all around and you put your left hand out, his shaky hands slid the ring onto your finger while tears of joy slid down your cheeks. He engulfed you into a tight hug which you reciprocated quickly. You sobbed into his chest, and he rubbed your back soothingly, you snacked your hand behind his neck and pulled him down into a deep passionate kiss. 

"I love you so much, I can't wait to spend forever with you" You stared deeply into his eyes while you spoke, he rested his forehead against yours, a love like this can't be torn apart, it wasn't possible.

"y/n!" Izu and Tsu came charging for you, crying before they tackled you into a hug, basically crushing your ribs while they sobbed into you.

"Our baby is getting married! What are we going to do!?" Their cries got worse, especially Izus. Bakugou came over and ripped him off of you, holding him protectively.

"Uh congrats y/n" What was this?! Bakugou being nice!? You gasped and playfully put your hand on your chest.

"What's this? Bakugou being nice?" He scowled and rolled his eyes causing you to giggle.

"Izu, Tsu down worry. Tsu is definitely going to be my maid of honor, and you could be co-man of honor for me, you guys will be there with me because I need you both." That only caused them to cry harder and you patted Tsu's head. Tokoyami came over to console her while you leaned back into Dabis arms. 

"This class sure were matchmakers" you say as you look around, Momo cuddled up to Jirou, Shinsou with kami, Kiri ended up with Sero which was surprising, and Iida was with Uraraka.

All of the sudden your mom came running towards you, also crying her eyes out. You sighed softly and took the hit as she tackled you, groaning softly.

"My baby's all grown up!" You patted her back gently as she cried out.

"I'm still your daughter mom, I'll still be around you don't worry" She sniffled and wiped her face, sighing softly as she looked at me.

"I'm so proud of you baby, you're so smart and mature, your dad would be so proud of you" Your eyes swelled with tears, you hugged her tightly as tears slid down your cheeks.

"Thank you for everything mom" She cried into your shoulder and her husband came over to console her too.

"Jeez so much crying today" You laughed along with everyone and wiped your face, your mom grabbed Dabi's hands and looked up at him.

"You take care of her, she's a wonderful woman, I know you'll be a great husband" Dabi smiled softly and bent down to hug her softly.

"Thank you, mom," We've all grown accustomed to him calling her mom due to her request a year ago, she knew we were destined for forever. Your heart swelled watching them, almost cried more but you wiped your tears and grinned.

"Go on now, go home you two before I cry more" Your mom said and you smiled warmly, grabbing Dabi's hand.

"Bye everyone, see you all later!" They all said goodbye as you teleported to your guy's bedroom. You pushed him back on the bed, shrugging your gown off, wearing shorts and a t-shirt underneath. You crawled up and straddled his waist, your lips connecting almost instantaneously, his hand gently gripping your waist while your hands held his face. The kiss was hot and passionate, all the love for him spilt into the kiss. 

"god I love you so much" You mumbled into the kiss, to which he gently bit your lip and gazed into your e/c eyes. A soft lustful growl escaping his throat.

"I want you." He stated, you smirked lightly.

"I'm all yours~"




A/N: Next chapter has some steamy smut ;)

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