was that my name? - 5

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mature content ahead!!

you're sitting in the common room with ron and hermione. they're both nose deep in essay for potions, meanwhile you finished yours and have nothing to do. you're shuffling a deck of cards and then rearranging them in order, a habit you picked up when you were little.

"oh no" ron groans, "i left my notes in the dorm. ugh i don't wanna grab them." you're eager for something to do so you volunteer to get them. harry has also been missing for awhile, so you're hoping to bump into him on the way up there.

you've always been one of harry's best friends. but something lately has changed, every time you see him butterflies erupt in your stomach. the thought of him talking to another girl brings up a kind of jealously in you that you've never felt before. but you would never tell him any of this, he definitely does not feel the same way. there is no way an utterly perfect person like him would fall for you. he has practically the whole school pining after him.

you run to the bathroom to check and make sure you look good and then head up the stairs. since you are one of the oldest in the school, you get the best rooms. harry and ron's room has a common area with two bedrooms on each side with doors.

you slowly open their door and walk in to their living room. you are almost at ron's bedroom door when you hear something. is someone moaning? you ask yourself. then you realize. oh god oh no. harry has a girl in his room. and i had to walk in and hear all of it. jealousy boils in your veins.

but why don't i hear her? oh gross, it's not a girl. it's the teenage boy in him. but at the same time, it's kinda hot. oh stop it it's not. but it really is.

your inner monologue is fighting the urge whether what you're hearing is hot or disgusting until you hear something that shocks you. your name.

you had to have heard it wrong, right? no, he said it again. he definitely said your name. you try to think of anyone else with your same name. anyone else he could have been thinking about. you come up empty.

before you make a noise and he notices you, you quickly run out of the room back to the common room.

ron notices you empty handed and asks why you didn't have his notes with you. you panic and think of a random excuse that you got sidetracked and forgot. you tell him you'll go back and grab them now.

worrying that you'll have to go back in there to grab the notes before he's done, you take a detour to go back to the room. then finally bite the bullet and go back. you knock on the door this time and you can hear harry yell "come in" from the inside.

you open the door to him shirtless on the couch. he looks up at you and his face turns beat red. "i'm so sorry i thought you were ron" he utters.

you reply, "it's okay i just have to grab some of his notes." to which he tells you he'll help you look for them and you go to his room.

of course ron's room was a complete mess. clothes thrown over the floor, books everywhere, you could barely see the floor. hermione would have a field day.

you both search for his notes and digging through piles of school work, you spot them at the same time. both of your hands reach out for it and his lightly brushes yours for a second.

you look up and meet his bright green eyes. he's looking at you smiling, for a second time stops. you think about kissing him right then and there, you wonder if he's thinking the same. but you both get nervous and move away from eachother. grabbing the notes to bring them to ron.

later that day...

you're sitting in your bed thinking about what just happened. you can believe you walked into that, it was gross. but it was also harry. and he was also thinking about YOU. so like very hot. thinking about it, replaying it in your head over and over started to drive you crazy.

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