The Last Word

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Y/n's POV

I was sitting in Hotch's office, one leg resting over the other, with a few pieces of paper in my lap. I had to turn the documents in, but I didn't trust just leaving them on his desk, so I had to wait for him. As I was waiting, someone tapped lightly on the doorframe, and I turned around to see a woman who looked to be about 10 years older than me standing at the entrance to the office with a cardboard box in her hands.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I was looking for Agent Hotchner. This is his office, right?" the woman asked.

"Yeah. I'm waiting on him too," I reply and stand up. "I'm Y/n L/n."

"Emily Prentiss," the woman returned. Just then, Hotch jogged up the steps to get to his office, and Emily moved out of the way to let him through.

"Hey, Y/n," Hotch greeted. "What's up?"

"I was just turning in case reports. All they need is your signature and they're good to go," I say.

"Thank you. I'll get to them later," Hotch murmured and glanced up at Emily, who was still standing by the door.

"Right. Well, I'll leave you two to discuss whatever you've got to talk about. It was nice meeting you, Emily," I tell the woman. 

"Have a nice week off," Hotch called out as I exited the office.

"Hey. Who was that?" Spencer questioned as I returned to my desk.

I shrugged. "No idea. Would you document the case for me while I'm out?"

"Uh, sure," Spencer answered. "Where are you going?"

"Apparently Hotch thinks I've been spending too much time at work, and he wants me to get some wedding planning done with Brody, so he's forcing me to take a few days off. I don't mind too much though," I confess and stuff a few things in my bag.

"So your memo book," Spencer brought up.

"Yeah. Sorry," I mutter and grab the book from my desk before walking over and handing it to him. "Just start on the first blank page and write down all of the offenders crimes he commits while you're investigating him. Oh, and make sure to title the page with whatever stupid nickname the press gives him. It's fun, and it makes it easier to remember all of the bad guys we catch.

"Mmhmm," Spencer hummed and thumbed through the pages. "You really take this seriously, huh?"

"Well, yeah. It uh, it helps me keep all that stuff out of my head. Instead of having to remember every single detail about every criminal we deal with, I have it all written down. Not all of us have an eidetic memory, Spence," I remind him.

Spencer chuckled softly. "I know that. And I promise I'll take very good care of your book."

"You better," I retort and sling my jacket over my shoulders. "Thanks again for doing this."

"It's my pleasure," Spencer spoke and looked up towards the conference room. "I've gotta go now, but I'll talk to you later, okay? Say hi to Brody for me." And with that, he headed to the conference room with the rest of the team. As soon as I gathered up my things, I left the office and climbed into my car, ready to get home. It was only a 10 minute drive to my apartment, and right as I stepped inside, the smell of coffee hit my nostrils.

"Is that coffee I smell?" I question and set my stuff down by the door.

"You know it," Brody replied.

I smiled and walked over to where he was sitting on the couch, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "You're a life saver. I didn't have any coffee this morning, and if we're going to be doing wedding stuff, I'm gonna need some caffeine."

"Which is exactly why it's fresh," Brody said as I poured myself a mug. Once I had put the sugar and milk into my coffee, I joined Brody on the couch and curled my legs under my body.

"So, what's first?" I ask.

"Probably the venue. We can't have a wedding without the venue," Brody noted and grabbed a piece of paper from the coffee table. "My mom sent over a few suggestions and I told her we'd look at them."

"Well then, lets get started," I say.

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