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Y/n's POV

"Y/n, hey," Emily greeted and appeared at my desk. "I know you've noticed Rossi's missing, and Morgan, JJ, and I just found out from Garcia that he's in Indianapolis dealing with a case. So how would you like to go there with us and help him out?"

"Sorry, Emily," I apologize without looking up from my desk. "Since Hotch and Spencer are doing that interview with Hardwick today, I promised I would finish up all of the paperwork from the past few cases. And going to Indianapolis would not help me get through this giant stack. So for the next few hours or so, I'm gonna be sitting here."

"Oh come on," Emily complained and perched herself on the edge of my desk. "This could be fun!"

"Em, I'd love to, but I can't. I really have to finish this paperwork," I say. "Do me a favor though and tell Rossi that I'm here for him if he ever needs someone to talk to."

"Will do," Emily spoke and pat my shoulder before hopping off of my desk. "Have fun doing paperwork."

"Oh, I will," I mutter sarcastically and sign another document. Way later that night, I got a call from Hotch saying that him and Spencer were coming back, and I let out a sigh of relief. My hand was cramping, and I was just ready to go home. When the two came back and got situated in their designated desks, I gathered up a stack of paper and walked towards Hotch's office.

"Hey," Hotch said when he noticed me standing at the entrance to his office. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to deliver these files to you. These are the completed case files from the last 5 cases," I declare and set a few folders down on his desk. "Everything is organized and signed off. All you need to do is file them away."

"Thank you for doing all of this," Hotch told me.

I waved him off. "It was no problem. It wasn't as bad as it sounds."

Hotch laughed. "Really?"

"Well, my hand's cramping like crazy and has been for the past few hours, but the break was nice. Traveling a lot can get exhausting sometimes, so this was sort of relaxing."

"Want to hear about what happened with Hardwick today?" Hotch asked.

"Please," I beg and take a seat in front of his desk. So, Hotch recounted the whole day him and Spencer spent in the prison, and afterwards, I was very intent on talking to Spencer, so I rushed to his desk. "Did you really talk for 13 minutes straight to keep Hardwick from killing you and Hotch?"

"You talked to Hotch?" Spencer questioned.

"Yep," I reply. "That's crazy, but in a good way. I don't know how you pulled that off. You are very talented, Dr. Reid." Just then, the rest of the unit filed into the office all talking and laughing together.

"Pretty boy," Derek called out. "How was Connecticut?"

"Uneventful," Spencer lied and glanced up and me, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh, and Y/n, Emily said you were stuck doing paperwork all day," JJ brought up.

"Ooh. That's rough," Rossi commented.

"Yeah, well, that also means I get to go home right now while you all have to stay another hour or two," I input and grab my jacket off the back of my desk chair. "So have fun with that."

"Goodnight!" Emily shouted after me. I smiled to myself and waved to all of my friends before leaving the building to get home.

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