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Y/n's POV

"Daniel Keller, 21, a junior at Benjamin Franklin University. He was killed last night while spring breaking in South Padre Island. COD was asphyxiation. He was the second victim to be murdered there in the past 3 nights. The first was William Browder, also on spring break, COD asphyxiation. And they were both sexually assaulted prior to death," JJ informed us.

"Men being raped and murdered on spring break? Well, that's a twist," Emily commented.

"So far the deaths have been localized to one hotel, the Hudson Street hotel. Initially, the hotel was filled to capacity but lost 20% occupancy overnight," JJ disclosed.

"We should get a list of everyone who works there," Derek urged. "There's a good chance one of them is the unsub, at the very least has interacted with him."

"Yeah, Garcia's already on that. Both victims were discovered by hotel staff, the last after online checkout indicated the room had been vacated," JJ shared.

"So he wanted the bodies discovered, and sooner rather than later," I point out.

"Look at the way they're posed-naked, cowering in the fetal position," Spencer noted.

"He's sending a message. Something about this is important to him. We just need to figure out what," Rossi spoke.

"And we need to do it soon. The police suspect the unsub could be another vacationing student, though I'm not willing to rule out local involvement. If the killer is a student, they could be halfway across the country by the time we're onto them. And if he's a local, we could lose him as soon as his victim pool dries up. Either way, we're almost out of time. South Padre spring break season ends this weekend," Hotch announced.

Police Station
South Padre Island, Texas

"Reese Evans," a woman introduced herself to Hotch, JJ, Emily, and I at the station.

"Agent Hotchner," Hotch returned. "These are Agents Prentiss, Jareau, and L/n. If it's all right with you, we'd like to talk to the victim's friends and family as soon as possible."

Reese nodded. "Of course. Michael Browder, the father of the first victim has just arrived to claim his son's body. And the second victim's girlfriend should be here within the hour."

"Does Mr. Browder know the details of his son's murder?" Emily asked.

"Not everything," Reese replied. "I mean, there were certain matters I didn't want to bring up on the phone."

"All right, Y/n, you and I will interview Mr. Browder. Prentiss, you take the girlfriend when she arrives," Hotch instructed. "And JJ, you get the conference room set up." So Hotch and I headed into the nearest open room and invited Mr. Browder inside. He took a seat on the small couch while Hotch and I stayed standing. "Mr. Browder, did your son have any history of drug abuse? Marijuana, methamphetamine, anything?"

Mr. Browder shook his head. "None. He was an athlete in high school and college. Tested regularly."

I frowned. "Okay, did he mention anything about meeting someone here in South Padre? Maybe some old acquaintances?"

"He came down with some friends from his school," Mr. Browder responded. "They wanted to blow off steam before finals."

"Mr. Browder, was your son gay?" Hotch quizzed. "He had had sex with a man before he died, and knowing whether or not it was consensual will help us determine how he was targeted."


"Morgan and Reid are finishing their interview with Adam, the guy who found the latest body," Rossi told us. "What did you learn?"

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