Season 5; Nameless, Faceless

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Y/n's POV

"Hey, Hotch. It's Y/n. I'm just calling to tell you we got pulled into another case. I sent you the address and a brief description of what's going on. Just meet us at the scene whenever you get this."

"Hotch, it's me, again. I arrived at the scene and you weren't there. JJ said she tried to call you as well and you didn't pick up. Call me back, please."

"We just left the crime scene and we're heading to Dr. Barton's house now. The address is 120 Kensington Road, Mclean, Virginia. Rossi wants you to meet us at the address. Hotch, I'm getting really worried. Please call me back."

"Did he pick up?" Rossi asked me.

I shook my head. "No. I left him a message. I told him to meet us at Dr. Barton's house. That's the third message I've left, Rossi. I'm getting pretty worried."

"Don't worry," Rossi assured me. "He's probably sleeping. We did have a case like 5 hours ago."

Dr. Tom Barton's House
Mclean, Virginia

"Hey," I greet Emily. "Sorry I'm late. I got caught up with something. Where's everyone going?"

"Tom's son, Jeffrey, went to school. They're going to make sure he's okay," Emily told me. "What were you doing out here anyways?"

"I called Hotch twice," I answer. "He didn't pick up either time. I know I shouldn't be worried. I mean, he's the BAU Unit Chief who can shoot someone with his eyes closed if he needed too. And he can take care of himself. But something isn't sitting right with me. Anyways, what are we doing now?"

"You, Reid, and I are gonna go through Dr. Barton's patients with him," Emily responded. "So come on. We've got a lot of work to do." I followed Emily inside, and together with Dr. Barton, we made our way to the sitting room where Spencer had just gotten off his phone.

"Garcia's going to email the files," Spencer shared. "We'll print them out from here. We need to dig through your life and try to figure out why this is happening."

"Let's start with the most recent cases first," Emily instructed. "Something set this guy off, and odds are it's in your files."


"Let's concentrate on the note," Spencer ordered. "For starters, we know that he's male. We know he surveilled you and your son, which means he either has enough money to be away from a regular job or he's currently unemployed."

"He's most likely a father," Emily put in. "He's clearly grieving. He's taken great measures to make sure you feel his pain."

"Let's start with cases involving teenagers killed, but also anyone with a strong family presence," Spencer directed. Just because your son is 15 doesn't necessarily mean that his child is the same age."

"Have you had a lot of cases like this? Where someone taunts you with what they're gonna do?" Tom implored.

"A few," I reply.

"And how did they end?" Tom questioned.

"Suicide by cop seems to be an effective way for them to make their point while ending their suffering all at once," Spencer claimed.

"Jeffrey is leaving school in 5 hours," Tom noted. "There's no way we can get through all these patients in this time."

"Well, we've narrowed it down already," Emily brought up.

"And we still have 100 left. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be callous," Tom apologized. "But when you work in the ER, you don't remember names. You operate and you move on."

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