Chapter 1

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Hello everyone, welcome back for those from my previous fanfic white nightmares. I'm really excited about this new one, remember to comment and vote and feel free to give me any suggestions. Enjoy!

I WILL BE USING SWEAR WORDS i don't wanna tell you what age you have to be to read this but just wanted to warn everyone


"Mariii let me in" she heard Chat whining from her balcony. She flung herself to open the trap door and saw his green eyes pop up in front of her. "Are you out of your mind?" she whispered through gritted teeth as she tugged the cat hero down by is stupid little bell.

"No need to be so rude Princess, I'm a guest" he said as he freed himself from her grasp and jumped into the room. Marinette groaned "Chat I told you, if you're gonna come here then you have to keep your voice down, my parents might come up to check". The boy rolled his eyes "I've been here almost every night for the past month and you parents have never come upstairs, I'm pretty sure they are deaf Mari" he said in his usual cocky manner.

As she sighed and sat back down in her chair, Chat asked "So what's tonight's plan Princess?". Marinette shook her head "I can't tonight Kitty, I have to finish making a present for um a friend" she said as her cheeks got slightly pink, thankfully without the boy noticing.

"Oooh a present? C'mon for who" teased Chat as he hopped around the girl. She rolled her eyes "You're really nosy you know that?".

He grinned "I guess I just enjoy gossip". She just smiled. "It's just kind of complicated cause I've never worked with eco leather, but I'm set on making it like this, black would look very very good on him and he needs something warm and rainproof for this weather" she explained as she got back to sewing.

"Princess who are we talking about? I'm very confused" he insisted as he saw all the sewing equipment occupying the desk. "Well that's a surprise" she whispered sarcastically.

"What was that Mari?" inquired the boy, raising his eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes "It's for a classmate of mine, Adrien Agreste, tomorrow it's his birthday and he's always so nice to everyone, I wanted to make him a nice present" she sighed "But his dad is a fashion designer, this will be no match compared to what he has at home, he'll probably just discard it" she said tearing herself down as she turned around to face Chat.

She noticed that his eyes were oddly very shiny "Chat are you okay?". He smiled and nodded "Yes Princess, and don't worry, none of his dad's design will compare to yours because you made it with so much care and attention. He'll love it". She held her chin pensively, thinking about what Chat had told her "But how can you be so sure about it? He deserves a nice present".

He tried to cover a laugh "Trust me, I know he'll love it". Marinette finally gave in to his compliments "Thank you Chaton". She spun on her chair again and started the sewing machine.

He observed the many drawings of various designs littering her floor and, attached to the wall in front of her, something that looked like the final product, a very familiar looking jacket was drawn. "I actually used your suit as inspiration" she said as if reading his mind as she worked on the fabric. Instantly he noticed the similarities and the accuracy "You've got quite an eye Mari" he said as she smiled at the compliment, her checks turning pink without either of them noticing.

"Turn on my computer and open Ultimate Mega Strike, I'm almost finished" she said absentmindedly. For a few moments he just looked at the devotion she was putting in his present, the way her tongue slightly stuck out of her mouth and the locks of hair that were falling on her face as they had freed themselves from the usual pigtails.

As he realized he was staring he quickly recomposed himself "Yes M'am" he answered and followed her orders.


"Goodnight Princess" he whispered. It was very late and Marinette had fallen asleep as they were watching a movie. He placed her gently on her bed as he kissed her forehead and  proceeded to climbing out of the sun roof, the cool evening air ruffling up his hair.

He extended his baton and ran on the rooftops. These evenings with her were the highlight of his day. He had tried approaching her at school and even thought they were friends, she always seemed on edge.

Instead as Chat Noir it was like she changed personality, a sarcastic, bossy and secure of her self kind of girl. He had tried acting more like Chat around her at school to see if maybe it was just his personality as Adrien, but she was still so different.

Not that he didn't like Clumsy Marinette, she warmed his heart. The way she would stutter and trip was what made her who she was, she was always nice and helpful to everyone around her and her smile, it was truly infectious, sometimes he would find himself almost unable to get his eyes off her, he, however, wished they could talk more. In the past month she had started to be a very important part in his life, a sort of escape from all his duties and responsibilities as Chat Noir but at the same time being able to remain his true self with his friend.

The hero was so lost in thoughts about his Princess that he barely even realized he had arrived to the mansion. He easily climbed into his bedroom window and de transformed. "Cheeeeeese" was the first word to come out of the Kwami's mouth, not a surprise to Adrien who had already a piece of his favorite type of french gooeyness between his fingers.

He tossed it to the Kwami, who swallowed it in mid air as the boy sat down at his desk. "Wow that girl is quite the character" said Plagg referring to the fact that every time she had won against the boy while playing video games she had started dancing and singing, ignoring the previous rule of silence that she had forced on Chat when he had entered the room.

"Yeah, and quite the friend, did you see the way she was making my present? All the thought and hard work she put into it, she's amazing". Plagg couldn't help but roll his eyes.

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