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I was awakened the next morning by a loud knock on my door. I groaned, rolling over to grab the remote and turn off the TV that was still playing from the night before. I'd passed out pretty hard, emotionally exhausted from the day I'd had.

The knocking got even louder. "Darren you know I'm still sleeping, you've got a key, can't you just unlock the fucking door instead of making all that racket!" I screamed out. I was still a little bitter about being locked up.

The door unlocked and a woman I didn't recognize poked her head in. Her hair was long and brunette, except for the left side, which was shaved.

"Hey...sooo I'm obviously not Darren, but I'll be sure to pass along your sentiments."

I sat upright quickly, suddenly more awake.
"Oh shit, sorry," I mumbled. I winced at the pain in my abdomen.

She stepped fully into the room, and I could see she was carrying more pain medicine. "Here, Remedy said you might need these," she said with an amused smile.

At least she didn't take it personally that I was a massive bitch.

"Uh, thanks," I said, taking the pills from her outstretched hand and downing them with the cup of water on the table.

I took the short opportunity while I was taking my meds to look her over. She was wearing camo cargo pants with combat boots, and a cropped tank that showed a few inches of her toned midriff. The olive green of the tank looked amazing against her tanned skin. Her entire left arm and shoulder were covered in tattoos. She was quite beautiful.

She also looks like she could fully kick my ass if she wanted.

She extended her hand a second time, this time in greeting. "I'm Maya," she said. "Midas asked me to spend the day with you, if that's ok, of course. I've secured you some new digs, at the very least."

I took her hand in mine. Her skin was warm, her handshake delicate.

"Of course it's ok.  This room is starting to make me feel like I'm locked in a sanitarium.  I could use some female company." 

Maya let out a small laugh.  "Glad to be of service."  I tried smiling back, the feeling somewhat unfamiliar.

"Anyway, so the reason I'm here so early is because I thought you might want to see the sunrise.  There's a balcony on the east side of the building with an amazing view.  Then I can show you around the place?"

Now I felt even more guilty about my bad attitude when she knocked, but that feeling was quickly replaced with a level of excitement I hadn't had in awhile.  The room I was in didn't have windows, and I was starved for sunlight. 

Any chance I had gotten to feel the sun on my skin over the years had been a blessing.  At Shadow I spent almost all of my time inside a damp, dark cave.  Occasionally while working on the boats I would take the opportunity to step just outside when no one was around, but not often, because if I were caught there would definitely be a harsh punishment waiting.  They didn't want me trying to run off.

"That sounds amazing.  Thank you, Maya, really," I said, rolling to the edge of the bed and grabbing my shoes.

Maya looked me up and down in my white shirt and linen pants.   "I'll get you some different clothes sent to your new room, feel free to keep or toss whatever.  Right now you honestly look like you're living in a sanitarium," she said with a grin.

I hadn't really ever thought much about how I looked, since I'd never been given options before.  I was always wearing the same type of uniform.  All black.  Suddenly I was a bit more self-conscious.

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