• XXI •

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🚨 Trigger Warning: Discussion of Sexual Injury

"I'm so sorry, Y/N."

I raised my head up from the couch to meet Midas' eyes. He looked like he meant it, I'm sure he meant it, he always did. He sat beside me at my feet, one hand stroking my lower leg, as I lay curled up under a blanket.

"I thought you said you weren't going to apologize to me anymore," I replied, dropping my head back down to the throw pillow in annoyance.

"I...I know, but this...this was...I don't have an excuse for myself."

He sighed deeply as he lifted the bottom of the blanket to look at me. I was wearing nothing but my panties, the gold sheen visible all across my waist, deeper fingerprints on my hips. I flinched as he reached up to touch it, just underneath my bare breast, and he pulled away quickly, replacing the covers.

"You're frightened of me," he spoke softly. There was so much sadness in his voice that I quickly glanced over to him to see if he were crying.

My own emotions caught up to me as I saw the pain in his eyes, and my lower lip quivered as I fought back tears of my own.

No. I'm frightened of how strongly I FEEL for you.

I was too scared to tell him. "Midas, I...I don't know what I think. I don't even know what I'm doing."

This was also true.

It was hard to be mad at him when I'd allowed it to happen. I was mostly just frustrated at the weakness he brought out in me, and at the embarrassment he'd caused me over the past couple of days.

He'd carried me to his room after leaving the gym yesterday morning, me being too in shock to protest. Thankfully most people were too engrossed in the next fight to notice us walk by. Those few who did probably assumed he'd beaten my ass, not fucked me in it.

Maya's hands had flown up and covered her mouth, appalled at my appearance. She was standing beside Tek at the ring, eyes wide, and she slowly shook her head in disbelief as we passed. Tek had been watching us with a neutral expression. He either didn't know anything about it or was simply accustomed to his boss's behavior, I couldn't tell which.

Midas had ignored them both. It wasn't until we reached his room and he lay me in his bed that worry flashed across his features. I'd snapped out of my own stupor as he hurried to the bathroom to grab a towel, and forced my sore body upright before he returned.

I was angry. Not even so much at him, though I should be, but at myself for letting it go so far. For my complete lack of willpower in his presence, my lack of self-control at his touch. For my submission.

"Don't touch me," I'd snapped, recoiling at his outstretched hand.

"Y/N, don't be ridiculous, let me help you..."

"You've done ENOUGH."

And I let you do it. Willingly. Eagerly even.

I'd ripped the towel out of his grasp and wiped my own face with it, surprised at the amount of blood and cum that stained the fabric as I tossed it to the floor.

I'd winced as I slid my bottom across the bed, wobbling as I stood. Midas had started to reach a hand out to steady me but then seemed to think better of it and withdrew.

"I'm going to my room," I'd said matter-of-factly, avoiding his eyes.

"Please...I want you to stay...let me take care of you," Midas had spoken, quickly walking over to me and standing very close, between me and the exit, blocking my path.

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