• XXII •

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I woke up, and I remembered.

The sound of my own scream felt like a knife piercing into my right ear, but not for long as my wails trailed off into a sob so deep that I lost my breath. My emotions picked up right where they had left off on the Rig, the fear, the shock, the absolute incredulity at what had occurred. Despair followed suit.

He was dead. He had to be, nobody could've lived through that.

A rapid beeping noise forced my eyes to open, and I gasped in air as I looked over to see the machine beside me sounding an alarm. Low oxygen, it said. I was crying so hard that I wouldn't be surprised if I were purple.

My ear was ringing from the sound, and the discomfort was enough to snap me back to reality long enough for my spatial awareness to return. I recognized this room. I was back in the Agency. His office was here, HE would be here if by some miracle he were still alive.

I had to know for sure.

I frantically started tearing at the tubes and wires on my body, the accursed machine beside me screaming louder with each one I removed. I yanked out my IV before reaching a hand out and shoving it as hard as I could, knocking it to the floor with a crash that silenced it for good.

I yelped as I forced my body into a sitting position and felt a sharp pain between my legs. I flipped back the covers to see that I had dislodged what appeared to be a catheter, a tiny amount of blood staining the loose white shorts I was wearing.

How long have I fucking BEEN here?!?!

I was going to find out. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood. My knees buckled, and my body collapsed onto the floor, my head slamming into the machine I had just overturned.

I saw stars. I forgot where I was and what I was doing, instead closing my eyes to focus on the colorful patterns on the backs of my eyelids, amused at my own attempts to anthropomorphize the shapes. One of them looked so much like Remedy that I could swear she was kneeling right in front of me...


The voice confused me at first, sounding garbled and almost metallic in my ear that was already ringing. It added to the surreal atmosphere, as though I were having a lucid dream, watching while disembodied as Remedy repeatedly patted my cheek trying to bring me back around. It wasn't until she shined a light in my eyes to check my pupils that I realized I could control my limbs.

I desperately grabbed at her shirt as I remembered the task at hand.

"Mi...Midas...is....is he..." I stuttered, my eyes full of trepidation as I wasn't sure I really wanted to hear the answer.

"He's fine, Y/N...he's ok...he's on his way, he should be here any minute..."

"Oh, thank GOD," I wailed, letting go of her shirt as my body fell limp with relief, tears flowing freely once again.

"Just calm down, everything's gonna be alright. Here, let me get you up," Darren spoke, surprising me as I hadn't seen him standing there.

Just as he knelt to pick me up, all three of us looked toward the hallway as we heard a rapid clacking sound, growing louder as it neared the room.

Midas rounded the corner so quickly that his shoulder crashed into the open door before he could stop himself, his shoes slipping on the floor as he tried to skid to a halt. He was panting heavily, as though he had run all the way from his office.

"Move," he barked at Remedy and Darren, physically shoving them both aside as he fell to his knees beside me.

We reached for each other at the same time, me wrapping my arms around his neck as he placed his behind my back to gingerly lift me into a sitting position, clutching me in a tight embrace.

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