• XIII •

349 20 4

🚨 Smut Warning
🚨 Trigger Warning: Suicidal Ideation

(This one's a little rough y'all, you've been warned.)

I was inconsolable.

I wasn't even sure how many days we'd been back. Three? Four? It all blurred together.

I lay in my cot, staring at the white cinderblock wall, the bars of the cell at my feet. The events of that night played through my mind on repeat, like a movie I couldn't turn off.

The gunshot. Midas' warm blood splattered on my face. His head on my shoulder. His hand touching my bare skin. Blinding pain.

When the helicopter had landed on the roof we'd been swarmed with people. Remedy had been waiting with Darren and some other orderly I didn't recognize with a gurney, and they moved Midas onto it the second we touched down, giving him oxygen.

I'd watched them wheel him away, eyes blurred with tears, unable to pick myself up from the floor of the helicopter.

Rox ran up to me at full speed, grabbing me by what was left of the front of my shirt, lifting me up, shaking me.

"What have you done, you stupid BITCH!!!"

She dragged my limp body out the door and I was pretty sure she intended to throw me off the roof. I didn't fight back.

It was Maya who saved me. She ran up behind Rox and wrapped her forearm around her throat, pulling backwards, causing Rox to drop me very close to the edge.

I tumbled to the roof in a heap.

"What the fuck are you doing???" Maya yelled at her, stepping between us. "Just get inside!! NOW!!!"

Rox glared at me coldly, and I got the distinct impression that this wasn't over. She turned and ran off.

Maya kneeled down, taking in my appearance for the first time. Her eyes scanned my bloody face with worry, and then locked onto my abdomen where Midas had touched me. She looked horrified.

"Jesus Christ," she mumbled. "I need some help over here!!! Tek, give me a hand!!!"

The white-haired guy ran over. Together they lifted me up, one on each side, under my arms. Tek's robotic arm was cold on my back.

I was trying to walk, but couldn't keep my feet beneath me. They had to drag me inside. My head fell forward, and I stared at the ground moving below, making me dizzy, so I let my eyes close.

My body was in so much pain that my mind completely separated, and it was as though I were watching myself from a distance, feeling the pain empathetically, as if it were happening to somebody else.

I vaguely remember an elevator ride, voices, my body being lain in a bed, hands on me.

"Y/N. Y/N!" Maya was trying to get my attention, and I could barely open my eyes. "We're gonna knock you out now. Just relax."

I felt the pinch in my shoulder, and drifted off to sleep.


I had awoken here, in this prison cell, which I'm pretty sure was the same one I had seen Midas in the day I found out about his power.

There was a large white camera on the wall just below the ceiling. They were watching me, not that there was much to see. I couldn't eat, could barely talk to the few visitors I had, couldn't even really sit up.

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